Review Report
Appendix 1 - AMR Performance Summary
(2) 9.1 1. Development Principles
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/001 |
% of housing development take up in the Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas (UDSA - RDSA) in meeting predicted population change requirements. |
A |
G |
MI/002 |
% of employment land take up in the Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas in meeting predicted population change requirements. |
A |
A |
MI/003 |
Amount of new developments (ha) permitted via conversions and brownfield redevelopment as a % of all development permitted. |
G |
A |
MI/004 |
The number of reported crime incidents by type as a total. |
G |
G |
MI/005 |
Number of Planning applications approved not in accordance with the relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance (i.e. Design SPG) or Planning Brief |
G |
G |
MI/006 |
Total successful obligations negotiated with developers. |
G |
G |
MI/007 |
Total number of planning applications being approved against Policy DP/6 - 'National Guidance'. |
G |
G |
MI/008 |
Prepare and Adopt the Design SPG |
A |
A |
MI/009 |
Amount of greenfield and open space lost to development (ha) which is not allocated in the LDP or in accord with LDP Policy |
G |
G |
2. The Housing Strategy
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/010 |
Number of net additional affordable and general market dwellings built per annum. |
A |
A |
MI/011 |
5 Year Housing Land Supply |
A |
R |
MI/012 |
Number of contingency sites released, based on Location : Priority will be given to releasing one or more contingency sites in the same general area in which a shortfall is identified; Capacity : The contingency site released should be capable of providing the approximate dwelling numbers required; Deliverability : A contingency site should be deliverable within the period anticipated. |
G |
A |
MI/013 |
Number of vacant dwellings brought back into use. |
G |
G |
MI/014 |
Amount of housing development permitted on allocated sites (a) as a % of development plan housing allocations and (b) as a % of total housing development permitted. |
A |
A |
MI/015 |
Average density of housing development permitted on allocated development plan sites. |
A |
A |
MI/016 |
The number of housing schemes developing housing types and sizes against the evidence set out in the Local Housing Market Assessment and/or Social/Affordable Housing Registers. |
G |
G |
MI/017 |
Amount of affordable housing permitted via 'exception sites'. |
A |
A |
MI/018 |
The number of applications for Houses of Multiple Occupation achieving planning permission. |
G |
G |
MI/019 |
Prepare and adopt SPG on affordable housing. |
A |
A |
MI/020 |
Prepare and adopt SPG on self-contained flats |
A |
A |
MI/021 |
Number of private / Council planning applications for G&T sites granted and refused in accord or contrary to Policy HOU/9 |
A |
G |
MI/022 |
Provision of Gypsy & Traveller Site |
A |
A |
MI/023 |
Undertake assessment of site needs for travelling show people. |
A |
A |
3. The Economic Strategy
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/024 |
Annual Unemployment Level. |
A |
G |
MI/025 |
Number of Plan Area Residents in Employment. |
G |
G |
MI/026 |
Employment land development per annum in the Urban Development Strategy Area. |
A |
R |
MI/027 |
Employment land development per annum in the Rural Development Strategy Area |
A |
R |
MI/028 |
Number of Conwy residents out-commuting to work to locations outside of the Plan Area. |
G |
G |
MI/029 |
The amount of new employment permitted on allocated sites in the development plan (a) as a % of all development plan employment allocations and (b) as a % of total development permitted (ha and units). |
A |
R |
MI/030 |
Prepare and adopt SPG on Rural Conversions. |
A |
G |
4. Tourism
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/031 |
Level of serviced accommodation within Holiday Accommodation Zones (HAZ) |
Zone 1 A |
A |
Zone 2 A |
A |
Zone 3 G |
G |
Zone 4 G |
G |
Zone 5 G |
G |
MI/032 |
New Chalet, Caravan and Camping Sites in the Urban Development Strategy Area granted permission against Policy. |
G |
G |
MI/033 |
New Chalet, Caravan and Camping Sites in the Rural Development Strategy Area granted permission against Policy. |
G |
G |
MI/034 |
Extension of the holiday season for existing caravans, chalets and camping sites granted against officer recommendation. |
G |
G |
MI/035 |
Number of decisions supporting the loss of tourism facilities against officer recommendation. |
G |
G |
5. Community Facilities and Services
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/036 |
Percentage of vacant units within the primary shopping areas and shopping zones. |
G |
A |
G |
A |
MI/037 |
'Clustering' of non-A1 uses in the primary shopping areas and shopping zones. |
A |
A |
MI/038 |
Number of applications for new non-bulky retail floor space outside of centres defined in the retail hierarchy. |
G |
G |
MI/039 |
Percentage of A1 units in Primary Shopping Areas. |
G |
G |
MI/040 |
Loss of community facilities outside Llandudno and town centres. |
G |
G |
MI/041 |
Number of relevant applications granted resulting in the shop front having a negative impact on the area. |
A |
G |
MI/042 |
Net loss of land for allotments. |
G |
G |
MI/043 |
Number of applications approved for new allotments on allocated sites and other suitable sites where a need exists and which accord with development principles. |
G |
G |
MI/044 |
Number of developments for 30 or more dwellings which provide on-site provision for open space in line with Policy CFS/11 and LDP4 - 'Planning Obligations'. |
G |
G |
MI/045 |
Number of developments of fewer than 30 dwellings which make provision for a commuted sum for open space in line with Policy CFS/11 and LDP4 - 'Planning Obligations' |
G |
G |
MI/046 |
Net loss of open space. |
G |
G |
MI/047 |
Applications approved for new areas of open space in locations across the Plan Area. |
G |
G |
MI/048 |
Applications approved for new areas for burial grounds on allocated sites and elsewhere where need exists. |
G |
G |
MI/049 |
Applications approved for new school developments complying with development principles. |
G |
G |
MI/050 |
Review the Conwy Retail Study |
G |
G |
MI/051 |
Amount of major retail, office and indoor leisure development (m2) permitted in town centres as a % of all major development permitted within the Plan Area. |
G |
G |
6. The Natural Environment
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/052 |
Permissions granted for development which is considered to have a negative impact on an LBAP (full list) species/habitats. |
G |
G |
MI/053 |
Development adversely affecting a RIG granted permission against Officer or local archaeological organisation recommendations. |
G |
G |
MI/054 |
Development within a green wedge (excluding one planet, rural enterprise dwelling or affordable housing for local need) granted against officer recommendations. |
G |
G |
MI/055 |
Proposals approved without Management Agreements or unimplemented Management Agreements contrary to Officer recommendations. |
G |
G |
MI/056 |
Development greater than 0.5 ha on Grade 2 and 3a agricultural land which does not comprise an LDP allocation. |
G |
G |
MI/057 |
Applications granted permission against Officer recommendations where a detrimental impact on an SLA had been identified. |
G |
G |
MI/058 |
Development within Coastal Zone granted permission against officer recommendation or against Policy NTE/1. |
G |
G |
MI/059 |
On shore wind turbine development within SSA achieving below 5MW against officer recommendation. |
G |
G |
MI/060 |
Total installed capacity of on shore wind turbine development within SSA. |
G |
G |
MI/061 |
On shore wind turbine development greater than 5MW approved outside SSA. |
G |
G |
MI/064 |
Applications granted permission against Officer or advice of the SAB to incorporate SUDS or adequate drainage provision. |
G |
G |
MI/066 |
New developments of 1,000m2 or 10 dwellings not submitting a Water Conservation Strategy when requested by officers. |
G |
G |
MI/067 |
Produce SPG on Renewable Energy. |
A |
A |
MI/068 |
Produce SPG on Landscape, Access and Design |
A |
A |
MI/069 |
Produce SPG on onshore wind turbine development |
A |
A |
MI/070 |
Development permitted in C1 and C2 floodplain areas not meeting all TAN15 tests or NRW recommendations. |
A |
G |
MI071 |
The capacity of Renewable Energy developments (MW) installed inside Strategic Search Areas by type (TAN8). |
G |
G |
MI072 |
Applications granted permission which result in the loss of land within an SPA, SAC or SSSI against officer or statutory body advice. |
G |
G |
MI/073 |
Applications granted permission against Officer or NRW advice considered to have potential to cause harm to a protected site or species. |
G |
G |
MI/074 |
Number of Biodiversity conditions not implemented. |
G |
G |
MI/075 |
Any negative effect highlighted by a statutory body relating to a degradation of a water body within a European site as a result of Conwy LDP promoted development. |
G |
G |
MI076 |
Any negative effect caused in a neighbouring authority area brought to the attention of a statutory body thought to be caused by a development or Policy in the Conwy LDP. |
G |
G |
7. Cultural Heritage
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/077 |
Appeals won by LPA following refusals under Policy CTH/3 relating to development adversely affecting buildings and structures of local importance. |
G |
G |
MI/078 |
The number of applications granted that adversely affect known archaeological sites and unregistered sites of archaeological importance. |
G |
G |
MI/079 |
Land designated as conservation areas. |
G |
G |
MI/080 |
Number of listed buildings or structures demolished. |
G |
G |
MI/081 |
Applications for development which affects listed buildings or structures within a conservation area granted against the recommendations of the Conservation Officer. |
A |
G |
MI/082 |
Applications for development which affects buildings or structures of local importance granted against the recommendations of the Conservation Officer |
G |
G |
MI/083 |
Enabling development granted that it conforms to the requirements of Policy CTH/4 and facilitates preservation of a historic asset. |
G |
G |
MI/084 |
SPG produced on General Issues within Residential and Commercial Conservation Areas. |
A |
A |
MI/087 |
Appendix to the Conservation Area SPG - Conwy |
A |
A |
MI/088 |
Appendix to the Conservation Area SPG - remaining Conservation Areas |
G |
A |
MI/090 |
Number of windfall sites delivered in Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas |
G |
G |
MI/091 |
Applications submitted with Community and Linguistic Statements, Community and Linguistic Impact Assessments and Mitigation Statements in line with policy thresholds in CTH/5. |
A |
G |
MI/092 |
Applications on allocated housing sites at Abergele & Llanrwst, and mixed use site at Dolgarrog, submitted with Welsh Language 'Mitigation Statement'. |
G |
G |
MI/093 |
Assess effectiveness of Community and Linguistic Statements, Community and Linguistic Impact Assessments and Mitigation Statements submitted. |
G |
A |
8. Sustainable Transport Strategy
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/095 |
Development approved without a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan or Road Safety Audit contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation. |
G |
G |
MI/096 |
Development approved without financial contribution towards improvements in transport infrastructure contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation. |
G |
G |
MI/097 |
Development approved contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation which would adversely affect the use of safeguarded rail freight facilities at Llandudno Junction and Penmaenmawr. |
G |
G |
MI/098 |
Development approved contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation which has a negative impact on accessibility to essential services and facilities, including open space, allotments, health, education and leisure. |
G |
G |
9. Minerals and Waste Strategy
Monitoring indicator |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
MI/099 |
The extent of primary land-won aggregates permitted in accordance with the Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates expressed as a % of the total capacity required as identified in the Regional Technical Statement. |
G |
G |
MI/100 |
The extent of primary land-won aggregates permitted in accordance with the Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates expressed as a % of the total capacity required as identified in the Regional Technical Statement. |
G |
G |
MI/101 |
Number of planning permissions granted for extraction of aggregate mineral not in line with Policy MWS/2 |
G |
G |
MI/102 |
Number of planning permissions granted in the safeguarding hard rock and sand and gravel designations not in line with Policy MWS/3. |
G |
G |
MI/103 |
Number of planning permissions for inappropriate development, e.g. dwellings/mineral working, granted in the Quarry Buffer Zone and Landfill Buffer Zone Designations. |
G |
G |
MI/104 |
Rates for recycling, preparation for re-use and composting compared with national targets (Wales Waste Measure 2010). |
G |
G |
MI/105 |
Amount of waste management capacity developed in the Plan Area, or outside of the Plan Area to deal with waste arising in Conwy. |
G |
G |