Review Report

Ended on the 22 December 2017


(1)1.1 The adopted Conwy Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out the Council's priorities for the development and use of land in the County Borough and its policies to implement them over the fifteen year plan period between 2007 and 2022. The LDP was adopted on 23rd October 2013 and, in accordance with statutory requirements, has subsequently been monitored on an annual basis with the publication of two Annual Monitoring Reports (AMRs) to date. Each AMR assesses the extent to which the LDPs strategy, policies and development sites are being delivered.

1.2 Having an up-to-date LDP is a fundamental part of the plan-led system and in accordance with Section 69 of the 2004 Act, LPAs must commence a review of their LDPs no more than four years following adoption; earlier if the results of an AMR indicate that this is required.

1.3 The first AMR for the period 2014-15 identified some policy areas that had failed to meet the target during the monitoring period, housing land supply being one of the most significant. As this was only the first AMR since adoption of the LDP however, it was felt that further information was required prior to making the decision to review the LDP. The second AMR, submitted to WG in October 2016 found a number of concerns in relation to LDP policy implementation; in particular due to delivery of new housing and employment land. This confirmed the continuation of some trends identified in the first AMR and proposed an early review

1.4 This Review Report is the first step in moving towards production of a Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) for Conwy, which will address the issues that have been identified to date. This report does not form an exhaustive list of all the changes required; over the course of the Review process, the evidence gathered may identify further amendments to be incorporated into the RLDP.

1.5 This Review Report will:

  • summarise the findings of the two Annual Monitoring Reports to date,
  • detail the policy implementation concerns that have led to the LDP being reviewed, with further analysis on these topics,
  • highlight other areas which, despite having met indicator targets, the LPA believes need revision due to other evidence gathered since LDP adoption,
  • identify what further research is required to inform the LDP Review,
  • demonstrate how the LPA's approach to reviewing the LDP relates to Conwy's Local Well-Being Plan and LDPs of neighbouring authorities,
  • identify how contextual changes to National policy and guidance affect the LDP moving forward,
  • outline the proposed means of delivering the Conwy RLDP.
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