Conwy Local Development Plan 2007 - 2022


4.5.1 Spatial Objectives

SO6, SO13.

4.5.2 Community Facilities and Services Strategic Statement The provision of social and community facilities is essential when considering new development proposals. Communities need good access to a wide range of services and facilities such as education, health and social care, open space and allotments, leisure and shopping in order to be sustainable. The provision of such facilities should be properly managed and incorporated into planning policies and regeneration plans. An assessment of community infrastructure requirements in the Plan Area has been undertaken to establish the need for certain types of facilities over the Plan period - this evidence base is set out in the relevant Background Papers 15, 16, 19, 24, 25 and 32 on retailing, open space, education facilities, allotment provision and burial grounds. Land has been assessed and policies have been compiled to enable these needs to be met. This section of the LDP, therefore, includes the policies and allocations of land deemed necessary to ensure that existing community facilities and services are protected and the additional needs of communities can be met over the Plan period. The provision of cultural and leisure facilities are particularly important in town centre destinations and should be retained. Any proposals creating, enhancing or resulting in a loss of such uses will be assessed against the Development Principles and other relevant Plan policies.


The Council will protect and, where possible, enhance community facilities and services by:

  1. Protecting and enhancing the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the retail centres in the Plan Area by locating appropriate retail developments in line with Policy CFS/2 – ‘Retail Hierarchy’;
  2. Applying a sequential approach in determining proposals for new retail development in the Plan Area in terms of site selection and the availability of suitable alternative sites in line with Policy DP/6 – ‘National Planning Policy and Guidance’;
  3. Protecting the retail offer in Llandudno, and the town centres, by designating primary shopping areas and/or shopping zones in line with Policies CFS/3 – ‘Primary Shopping Areas’ and CFS/4 – ‘Shopping Zones’;
  4. Protecting the retail centre of Llandudno by designating Parc Llandudno and Mostyn Champneys as retail parks where large format retailing will be concentrated and safeguarded in line with Policy CFS/5 – ‘Retail Parks’;
  5. Safeguarding essential community facilities outside Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and the District Centres in line with Policy CFS/6 – ‘Safeguarding of Community Facilities outside the Sub-Regional Centre and Town Centres’;
  6. Protecting and enhancing the attractiveness of shopping centres by only permitting appropriate shop fronts and appropriate shop front security measures in line with Policies CFS/7 – ‘Shop Front Design’ and CFS/8 – ‘Shopping Street Frontage Security’;
  7. Meeting the community’s need for allotments by safeguarding existing allotments in line with Policy CFS/9 – ‘Safeguarding Allotments’ and allocating land for new allotments in Abergele, Llandudno Junction, Llanrwst and Dwygyfylchi in line with Policy CFS/10 – ‘New Allotments’;
  8. Ensuring that new housing development makes adequate provision for the open space needs of its residents and safeguarding existing areas of open space in line with Policies CFS/11 – ‘Development and Open Space’ and CFS/12 – ‘Safeguarding Existing Open Space’;
  9. Allocating replacement playing fields and new areas of land for open space at Abergele and Glan Conwy in line with Policy CFS/13 – ‘New Open Space Allocations’;
  10. Allocating land for an extension to the cemeteries at Llanrwst and Penmaenmawr in line with Policy CFS/14 – ‘New Burial Ground Allocations’;
  11. Supporting development proposals for new education facilities in line with Policy CFS/15 – ‘Education Facilities’.

4.5.3 Retailing


The Plan establishes a retail hierarchy for shopping centres within the Plan Area in accordance with national policy and guidance. The position of a shopping centre in the retail hierarchy will generally determine the level of new shopping provision. The larger the centre, the more likely it will be able to support new development. The retail hierarchy (below) is illustrated on the Diagram CFS/ 2a.

Sub Regional Centre: Llandudno

Town Centres Local/Village Centres:
Colwyn Bay Betws yn Rhos Llanrhos
Abergele Cerrigydrudion Llansannan
Conwy Deganwy Llysfaen
Llandudno Junction Dolgarrog Mochdre
Llanfairfechan Dwygyfylchi Penrhyn Bay
Llanrwst Eglwysbach Pensarn
Penmaenmawr Glan Conwy Pentrefoelas
District Centres Groes Tal-y-Bont
Colwyn Bay West End Gyffin Tal-y-Cafn
Craig y Don Llanddulas Towyn
Kinmel Bay Llanfairtalhaiarn Trefriw
Old Colwyn Llangernyw Upper Colwyn Bay
Rhos on Sea PPW at paragraph 10.2.1 states that local planning authorities should identify an existing hierarchy of centres and highlight any which fulfil specialist roles. The categories within the retail hierarchy are based on those contained within PPW at paragraph 10.1.1. Detailed criteria relating to where each centre is positioned within the hierarchy has been formulated and provided in BP/16 – ‘Primary & Secondary Retail Areas & Hierarchy Study’. New developments should be in keeping with the scale and function of the existing centres in order to create sustainable development patterns and to avoid any adverse effect on the other centres. Having regard to the position of the centre within the overall hierarchy is essential. Individual planning applications relating to retail will be assessed on their own merit, in line with Policy DP/6 and on the basis of paragraphs 10.2.11 and section 10.3 of PPW. First preference will be given to developing sites within existing sub-regional and town centres, followed by edge-of-centre sites, and then district, local and village centres. Llandudno’s role as the sub regional shopping centre attracts a large number of shoppers from the Plan Area and other neighbouring authorities. The LDP recognises the need to promote the retail function within Llandudno and Colwyn Bay whilst also supporting appropriate retail development in other centres in the hierarchy. The second largest retail centre in the hierarchy, Colwyn Bay, will be enhanced in line with LDP10 – ‘Colwyn Bay Masterplan’ SPG and other associated regeneration proposals. To respond to declining economic conditions, the Council is actively working on the regeneration of the town centre and surrounding areas in line with Policy DP/8 – ‘Colwyn Bay Urban Regeneration Masterplan’. The Council and its partners will identify regeneration areas in the urban area of Colwyn Bay on the basis of its brownfield land redevelopment potential, economic and social need, and proximity to the Town Centre and sustainable transport links. The area presents unique qualities, opportunities and challenges, which are described in more detail in LDP10. BP/15 - ‘Retail Study’ concludes that the town of Conwy is currently over-trading in respect of convenience retailing, which may be detrimental to residents’ choice and quality of retail experience. The Study suggests that there is benefit in the development of a retail outlet which provides top-up shopping facilities for residents on a day to day basis within the town centre. However, due to the historic nature of Conwy, this is more likely to be accommodated within the existing built fabric of the town, and the retention of the historic environment should take precedence over fulfilling identified convenience need. The conclusions from BP/15 indicate that there is no need to allocate sites for retailing within the Plan period. Although the Retail Study does not recommend retail allocations in the LDP it does, nevertheless, state an element of need for additional comparison floor space in the Llandudno/Llandudno Junction area by 2015. This need is, however, already met by a number of existing commitments for comparison goods retailing on the retail parks in Llandudno. The position will be reviewed as part of the next retail study which commenced in 2011/12.

4.5.4 Primary Shopping Areas


Primary Shopping Areas are designated in Llandudno and Colwyn Bay as shown on the proposals map. Changes of use of the ground floor of premises in these areas from class A1 shops to other uses will only be permitted where:

  1. It can be shown that the premises are no longer needed for A1 usage and the retention of A1 use at the premises have been fully explored, without success, by way of marketing at a reasonable market rate for a minimum of six months; and;
  2. The proposed change of use does not have an unacceptable impact on the retail function or attractiveness of the primary shopping area. Shopping not only contributes to the vitality, attractiveness and viability of town centres, but provides benefits to the local economy and can complement the leisure and tourism objectives of this Plan. It is therefore vital to protect the retail core of the main shopping centres and oppose developments which harm or undermine this function. Examination of the mixture of uses within BP/16 indicate that around 70% of units within the primary shopping areas of Llandudno and Colwyn Bay are currently class A1 use. The primary shopping areas are therefore intended primarily for A1 use, although other uses will be permitted where they comply with the policy. While it is necessary to protect the retail function within town centres, it is also important to consider how long term vacancy rates could be avoided or reduced. The number of vacancies within town centres has increased rapidly due to the current economic climate. This is true also for the sub-regional centre of Llandudno, which has seen an increase in vacancy levels over recent years. One way the planning system can assist the recovery of town centres is to enable greater flexibility where long term vacancies are becoming a problem. In such cases, where a change of use from A1 is requested, the applicant would need to provide evidence of marketing the premises for a six month period at a reasonable market rate to demonstrate that there is no longer demand for a class A1 use at that location. Normally, where such a criterion is applied, a 12 month period of marketing is requested, however the Council recognises the negative impact vacant shop fronts have in town centres and seeks to help reduce vacancies wherever possible. The Council will also need to be satisfied that the proposed new use will comply with criterion b) of Policy CFS/3, and balance the need for reducing the number of vacant units whilst protecting the integrity of the primary shopping area. In particular, special care must be taken to prevent the clustering of uses which may be detrimental to the attractiveness of the centre. Policy CFS/3 will be subject to annual monitoring and review to prevent over-concentrations of uses which are detrimental to the centre. The overall level of vacancies within centres will be monitored on an annual basis to determine whether there is a need to adjust the policy criterion from 6 months to 12 months.

4.5.5 Shopping Zones


Shopping Zones are designated in Llandudno, Colwyn Bay, Abergele, Conwy, Llandudno Junction, Llanfairfechan, Llanrwst and Penmaenmawr as shown on the proposals map. Changes of use of the ground floor of premises in these areas from class A1 shops to other uses will only be permitted where the proposed change of use maintains or enhances the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the shopping centre and complies with the Development Principles. Retail designations in previous adopted plans have been reviewed in the light of data collected over the previous ten years relating to changes of use and vacancy levels within shopping zones. Designated areas are proposed to protect the retail core of these areas. Within the shopping zones, there is a presumption in favour of retaining class A1 uses, but it is recognised that other uses, in particular class A3 uses (such as cafes/restaurants), or commercial or service sector uses may be acceptable where this does not harm the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the centres. Indeed PPW at paragraph 10.2.4 states that planning policies should encourage a diversity of uses in centres. Particular attention, therefore, should be given to avoid the clustering of certain uses where these are detrimental to the attractiveness of the centre. Over recent years, problems have arisen with anti-social behaviour within certain town centres, this in most cases being associated with a high concentration of licensed premises such as pubs, clubs, bars and takeaways in a particular part of town, for example as on upper Mostyn Street, Llandudno which is an area containing both licensed and residential premises. Here the number of premises licensed to sell alcohol has increased from 7 premises in 2005 to 13 premises in 2011. Planning proposals for the change of use to class A3 in such areas will need to be considered carefully against Policy CFS/4 and the Development Principles (in particular, policies DP/3 – ‘Promoting Design Quality and Reducing Crime’ and DP/4 – ‘Development Criteria’). The LPA will need to be satisfied that the proposal will not have a detrimental effect on the attractiveness of the centre arising from an over concentration of A3 uses, and/or cause unacceptable adverse impact on residential amenity, public safety, noise and crime. Relevant evidence supplied by other Council departments and external bodies such as the Police should also be taken into account where this forms a material planning consideration.

4.5.6 Retail Parks


Mostyn Champneys Retail Park and Parc Llandudno Retail Park, as shown on the proposals map, will be safeguarded to retain their large format character to complement the historic Primary Shopping Area of Llandudno. Mostyn Champneys Retail Park will be safeguarded for large format stores selling bulky and in-bulk goods. Parc Llandudno Retail Park will be safeguarded for large format stores selling non-bulky goods. Mostyn Champneys Retail Park and Parc Llandudno are situated on the edge of Llandudno town centre and perform different retail functions to those which are typically found within town centres. Mostyn Champneys and Parc Llandudno Retail Parks consist of large format retail stores, ‘large format’ being stores which are typically 929 sqm (10,000 sq ft), or above, in size with associated car parking. In the case of Mostyn Champneys Retail Park, retailing is focused on the sale of bulky goods and in-bulk goods, whereas Parc Llandudno consists of large format retailers selling non-bulky goods. As stated in PPW at 10.3.12, the scale, type and location of such retail developments should not undermine the vitality, attractiveness and viability of town centres. Legal agreements are in place to restrict the change of use and subdivision of units at these locations.

4.5.7 Safeguarding of Community Facilities outside the Sub-Regional Centre and the Town Centres


Where no similar facilities exist outside Llandudno, Colwyn Bay, Abergele, Conwy, Llandudno Junction, Llanfairfechan, Llanrwst and Penmaenmawr development which would lead to the loss of the following community facilities will only be permitted where it has been clearly demonstrated that the building is no longer viable for its existing use and that there is no continuing community need for those facilities:

  1. Shops selling convenience goods
  2. Post Offices
  3. Petrol stations
  4. Village/church halls
  5. Public houses District, local, village and rural facilities such as those mentioned in Policy CFS/6 play a vital role in sustaining smaller centres and reducing the need for residents to travel to meet everyday needs. In smaller villages they also play an important community function, supporting those who have difficulty travelling further afield and forming a hub to village life. The Council will encourage the retention of such community facilities as advocated in TAN6 – ‘Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities’ para 5.1.3 where they provide an essential service to the locality and are economically viable. When considering proposals which involve the loss of such facilities, the Council will consider the impact of the loss on the local community, in terms of the availability, access to alternatives and social implications, including the impact on the viability of the village as a whole. Where such proposals are received, the applicant will need to demonstrate that the current use is no longer viable by supplying relevant financial information to support the case, plus evidence of the premises being marketed for a minimum of 6 months at a realistic price. A supporting statement should be submitted with the application which explains the extent of the marketing exercise and includes the agent’s view as to the commercial viability of the site. Applicants are encouraged to read the relevant sections contained within LDP7 – ‘Rural Conversions’ SPG for further detailed guidance on undertaking satisfactory marketing exercises and producing supporting statements.

4.5.8 Shop Frontages


The Council will only grant planning permission to proposals for new shop fronts or alterations to existing shop fronts where they are in keeping with the building and its surroundings.


Planning permission or Listed Building Consent will not be granted for the installation of solid or perforated roller shutters on fronts of shops, or on other properties in shopping street frontages. The Council will normally grant planning permission or Listed Building Consent for external roller grilles and removable grilles on shop fronts and commercial properties where the grilles are integrated into the design of the shop front, have minimal visual impact and are compatible with the rest of the elevation of the building and the street scene. Shop fronts are critical in forming the character and appearance of shopping frontages. The Council attaches considerable importance to suitably designed shop fronts, not only to preserve the character of buildings, but also to retain the overall attractiveness of streets and to maintain their commercial viability. Inappropriate developments can have a severe detrimental effect not only on the building but also the street scene, and the street’s trading potential. Both customers and shopkeepers benefit if the environment of the street scene is enhanced by well-designed and maintained shop fronts. In villages it will be important to respect the existing street and village character, while in major shopping centres within the Urban Development Strategy Area the emphasis will be on creating and maintaining a quality and vibrant environment. It should be acknowledged that many shop fronts will be located within conservation areas. Reference in such cases should be made to Policy CTH/2 – ‘Development Affecting Heritage Assets’.

4.5.9 Allotments


Planning Permission will not be granted for development which results in the loss of land used for allotments, except:

  1. Where suitable, alternative provision is made that is at least equivalent in size and quality to that which will be lost, or;
  2. Where it can be demonstrated that there is no longer a community need for the allotments. Allotment gardens can contribute to open space within the Plan Area. They have positive benefits not only for environmental sustainability but also for food production, wildlife and general amenity value. Allotments are an important community resource. Planning permission will not be granted for the redevelopment of allotments simply because they have been allowed to fall out of use and become neglected. Development which would remove allotments from use altogether will only be allowed if it has been demonstrated that there is no need for the allotments or alternative provision has been made.


  1. Land is allocated to meet the demand for new allotments at the following locations:
  1. Off Rhuddlan Road, Abergele
  2. Esgyryn, Llandudno Junction
  3. North of Llanrwst
  4. North of Groesffordd, Dwygyfylchi
  5. West of Gwrych Lodge, Abergele
  1. Additional land may be identified during the Plan period in accordance with the Development Principles. As detailed in BP/25 – ‘Allotment Site Demand and Supply Report’, there are 13 separate existing sites which provide in total 324 allotment plots in Conwy. In locations where there is no publicly owned land to meet the needs of the community, the next best location in terms of sustainability has been allocated. Resulting from high constraints in Trefriw, those residents in need will be accommodated partly through allocation at Llanrwst, whilst some suitable land may also be available in the Snowdonia National Park Plan Area. Similarly, for those residents in need in Llandudno and Conwy, where sites are in short supply, the allocation in Llandudno Junction will help meet demand. It is recognised that there is a need for allotments in other parts of the Plan Area and the Council are actively seeking suitable sites to meet the needs of communities. Suitability of such sites will be considered in accordance with the Development Principles.

4.5.10 Open Space


  1. New housing development of 30 or more dwellings shall make on site provision for the recreational needs of its residents, in line with the Council’s standards for open space of 3 hectares per 1000 population, comprising of:
  • 1.2 hectares for playing pitches
  • 0.4 hectares for outdoor sport
  • 0.8 hectares for children’s playing space
  • 0.6 hectares for amenity open space
  1. In exceptional and justified circumstances, consideration will be given to the provision of a commuted sum as an alternative to on-site provision, in accordance with Strategic Policy DP/1 – ‘Sustainable Development Principles’ and Policies DP/4 – ‘Development Criteria’ and DP/5 – ‘Infrastructure and New Developments’.
  2. New housing development of less than 30 dwellings shall make provision of a commuted sum as an alternative to on-site provision, in line with the Council’s standard for open space of 3 hectares per 1,000 population. Housing developments should, in the majority of cases, incorporate play and amenity spaces into a scheme or, where this is not feasible, make a financial contribution secured through a planning obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Financial contributions will be accepted for residential developments of less than 30 dwellings. For residential developments of 30 or more dwellings, the Council will seek the provision of on-site children’s play facilities and a financial contribution to off-site outdoor sports space. Developments of 200 or more residential dwellings will normally be expected to provide all required outdoor sport and children’s playing space on-site. Further details on provision of open space and commuted sums can be found within LDP4 – ‘Planning Obligations’ SPG. Recreation and open space is a key contributor to the overall quality of life of local people. A recent assessment of open space provision highlights a deficiency of outdoor sports, play space and in some areas, amenity space across the Plan Area. This amounts to a shortage of land for outdoor sports and for children’s play space. As recognised within the Healthy Conwy Strategy 2008 – 2011, the benefits to health and well-being that parks and open spaces bring to communities include increased exercise levels, social interaction and greater opportunities for children’s play. One of the aims of the Conwy Children and Young People’s Plan is to encourage children and young people to make use of areas such as parks, open spaces, sports and outdoor leisure facilities. However, the deficiency of public open space could present an obstacle to achieving such aims. In acknowledging the deficiency, in 2003 the Council adopted a Standard for open space provision (based on the former NPFA Standard). These standards were revised in 2008 by Fields in Trust (FIT) and added to the revised TAN16 on ‘Sport, Recreation and Open Space’ in early 2009. It is these revised standards that have been incorporated into the policy. Additionally, in recognising the importance of providing and improving amenity open space, the policy also includes a standard of 0.6 hectares per 1,000 population for this purpose, split 0.3 ha for ‘major formal amenity’ and 0.3 ha ‘neighbourhood amenity’. This is the standard previously adopted in the Colwyn Borough Local Plan which will be reviewed when undertaking the Open Space Audit and Assessment. Major formal amenity open space includes areas such as parks, public gardens, nature reserves and commons. At a local level, for example within housing developments, it can be used to provide the necessary buffer zones around children’s play areas. The need to provide amenity open space as with other types of open space will be guided by the Open Space Audit and Assessment. Developments in areas that have an oversupply of certain types of open space may not need to provide additional space, however a qualitative assessment should be undertaken to determine both the quality and accessibility of open spaces in these locations when considering if a contribution is necessary. In addition to the policy, the Council has published LDP4 – ‘Planning Obligations’ SPG in line with Policy DP/4 – ‘Development Criteria’ to provide guidance to developers on how the open space standard will be applied to new developments. Open space surveys are undertaken by the Council on a biennial basis and provide information on the adequacy of open space provision within the larger settlements. The most recent study undertaken in 2010 shows that there are deficiencies with the provision of playing pitches, outdoor sports and / or play space in the following areas: Abergele, Deganwy, Glan Conwy, Greater Colwyn, Kinmel Bay, Llandudno, Llandudno Junction, Llanfairfechan, Llanrwst, Llysfaen, Penmaenmawr, Penrhyn Bay, Penrhynside, and Towyn. TAN16 suggests standards of space for playing pitches and outdoor sport as supported by FIT. These standards have been used in the most recent Open Space Assessment. However, it is acknowledged that TAN16 relates to other types of open space such as green corridors, civic spaces and amenity green space but due to the timing of publication of this TAN and the advanced stage of the LDP and supporting evidence base, it is considered appropriate to review the position once the Plan has been published for deposit as per advice in TAN16 (paragraph 2.29 refers to not delaying work on the LDP in the absence of a new Open Space Audit and Assessment). It is, therefore, proposed that an Open Space Audit and Assessment will be undertaken to identify local needs, assess local provision and provision standards for accessibility and quality, and identify deficits/surpluses of open space in accordance with the latest version of TAN16. When completed, the Audit and Assessment will form part of the LDP evidence base and policies will be reviewed accordingly via mechanisms in the LDP adoption or review process.


Planning Permission will not be granted for development which results in the loss of open space except where there is an over-provision of open space in the particular community, and the proposal demonstrates significant community benefits arising from the development, or where it will be replaced by acceptable alternative provision within the vicinity of the development or within the same community. The term ‘open space’ as referred to in Policy CFS/12 includes the following types as described in TAN16: public parks and gardens, outdoor sports facilities, amenity green space and provision for children and young people. Such areas are of great significance to the local communities in the Plan Area. This is not only for the sports and recreational opportunities they offer, but the impact open space has on the attractiveness of the built and natural environment. Therefore, existing open space should not be lost unless the open space assessment clearly demonstrates an over-provision of open space necessary for the community’s requirements. In such cases, developers will also need to demonstrate how their proposals will bring about significant benefits for those communities which will be losing the open space, such as provision of a satisfactory level of affordable housing, neighbourhood shops or other leisure facilities as and where appropriate. If there is an under provision of open space in the community, the developer will need to provide an acceptable alternative site within the vicinity of the development, or within the same town or community council area. Any alternative site should be equivalent to, or better than, that taken by development and be easily accessible to the local community by sustainable transport modes.


  1. Land is allocated to meet the demand for open space at the following locations:
  1. Off St.George Road, South of Abergele Playing Fields
  2. Top Llan Road / Llanrwst Road, Glan Conwy
  1. Additional land may be identified during the Plan period in accordance with the Development Principles. The Open Space Assessment, undertaken in December 2010, shows deficits in open space provision across the Plan Area. The above sites have been allocated to address deficits in current provision and reflect agreement and on-going deliverability discussions with landowners and developers. The playing field extension in Abergele is not additional provision, but replacement provision for the section of playing field that will be allocated for the housing allocation. Additional land for open space in Abergele will be provided as part of the total land allocation for housing.

4.5.11 New Burial Ground Allocations


Land is allocated to meet the need for additional burial grounds in Llanrwst and in Penmaenmawr, adjacent to the existing cemeteries. Additional land may be identified during the Plan period in accordance with the Development Principles.


Penmaenmawr To meet the need for burial capacity in the Llanrwst and Abergele areas, the Council has undertaken work to identify suitable locations for either extensions to existing cemeteries, or new burial grounds. BP/32 – ‘Burial Grounds Demand and Supply Report’ gives more detail on work undertaken to date. In relation to Llanrwst, the existing capacity at the Cae Melwr cemetery will have reached its capacity by the end of 2013; therefore an extension to the existing cemetery is being created. Land adjacent to Penmaenmawr cemetery is also allocated in order to safeguard this site for future use, though it will not be required during the Plan period. Need also exists in Abergele and the Council are working with the local Burial Board and Town Council to seek suitable land to accommodate this need.

4.5.12 Education Facilities


Development Proposals for new schools during the Plan period will be supported providing they are in accordance with the Development Principles. The Welsh Government recognises the need to invest in schools for the future, and requires the Council to have in place a clear strategy across all schools. The Council embarked on the Primary School Modernisation Project (PSMP) 3 years ago. The strategy and implementation plan was formally adopted by the Council in October 2010. Further consultation meetings will now take place within the banding as noted in the implementation plan. These formal consultation meetings will be staggered over a number of years. The responses from each formal consultation meeting will be presented to the Council who will consider them in deciding which option to progress and implement for each area/school. No new allocations for Educational Establishments can be decided until this process has been completed for individual schools or areas. The results of the next phase of the PSMP are currently unknown, therefore, all options are still open, which could mean, status quo, amalgamation, area school on existing site, area school on new site, area school on multiple sites, or refurbishment of existing school. However, the Council will review its approach following the finalisation of the Conwy Primary School Modernisation Project in line with BP/24 – ‘Conwy Primary School Modernisation Report’. New schools will be supported subject to meeting other relevant policies within the Plan.

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