Paper 1: Priority Issues, Vision and Objectives

Ended on the 25 January 2019

Proposed Restructure of the adopted Conwy LDP (2017 - 2022)

3.1 Whilst Sustainable Development is a core element of the currently adopted Conwy LDP, it is structured around key themes linked to the overall vision and objectives of the Plan. The legislative requirements identified above set out in the WFG Act introduce an obligation to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. It requires public bodies (including the Welsh Government and Local Planning Authorities) to think about the long-term, to work better with people and communities, to look to prevent problems and take a more joined up approach to deliver sustainable development. As such it is proposed that the current LDP structure is aligned with the improvement obligations set out in the WFG Act and the Conwy and Denbighshire WP (i.e. social, economic, environmental and cultural) and it takes account of key subject areas set out in draft PPW (Edition 10). This ensures that there is a clear golden thread from national guidance and that the key policy subject areas are planned for to achieve the WFG Act goals and Sustainable Places in Conwy. Any amendments to the final PPW will be reflected in later stages of the RLDP preparation. Additionally, some subject areas may change depending on the outcome of the RLDP background evidence base.

Table 1: Proposed RLDP Structure (themes and subject areas)




Environmental and Cultural

Creating Sustainable Places

Good Design

Promoting Healthier Communities

The Welsh Language

Making Spatial Choices

Placemaking in Rural Areas


Retail and Commercial Centres

Community Facilities

Recreational Spaces


Economic Development


The Rural Economy

Transportation Infrastructure


Minerals & Waste


Coastal Areas

Historic Environment

Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity

Water, Air, Soundscape & Light



(9) Question 1: Do you agree that the RLDP Structure should be aligned to reflect the obligations of the WFG Act and the subject areas set in Draft PPW (Edition 10), that being as set out above in Table 1?

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