Paper 1: Priority Issues, Vision and Objectives

Ended on the 25 January 2019


1.1 Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) is in the process of preparing a Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) to cover the period 2018 - 2033, which once adopted will replace the currently adopted LDP (2007 - 2022). The LDP is the Council's land use plan that will establish where and how much new development will take place in the County Borough over the period 2018 - 2033. It will also identify which areas need to be protected from development.

1.2 The RLDP will be prepared in the line with Council's adopted Delivery Agreement (DA) April 2018, which sets out the timetable and approach to community consultation. The key starting point in undertaking the review is the currently adopted LDP (2007 - 2022), Annual Monitoring Reports and the Review Report. This Issues and Options Pre-Deposit Participation consultation is the first stage in preparing the RLDP and includes the following documents for consultation:
  1. Consultation Paper 1: Priority Issues, Vision & Objectives (including proposed restructure of the currently adopted LDP 2007 - 2022). This Paper
  2. Consultation Paper 2: Strategic Growth and Spatial Distribution Options
  3. Suite of Topic Papers:
  • Housing
  • Economy, Skills & Employment
  • Retail
  • Tourism
  • Community Facilities
  • Natural Environment
  • Historic Environment
  • Transport
  • Renewable Energy
  • Minerals & Waste
  • Wellbeing, Health & Equalities
  • Recreational Spaces
  1. Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA / SEA) Scoping Report.
  2. Background Evidence Base Papers (Appendix 1)
1.3 At this stage of the RLDP process, the consultation is focussed on participation and discussions with the key stakeholders identified in the RLDP Delivery Agreement. There is no statutory requirement for the Council to carry out public consultation at this stage. This will take place at the next stage of the process when we consult on the RLDP Preferred Strategy. However, early discussions with key stakeholders on the evidence base and strategic options, preferred strategy and related proposals are critical for building consensus.
This Priority Issues, Vision & Objectives Paper 1 forms part of a suite of documents to inform the first stages in the preparation of the RLDP. This Paper is seeking your initial views on the following three proposals:
Proposal 1: Structure of the RLDP
This Paper seeks your views on a new RLDP Structure. This is due to consideration of the Planning (Wales) Act, the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act (WFG Act) and the Environment (Wales) Act. Consideration is also give to the draft Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10), with regards to the notion of Placemaking and structure of the RLDP.
Proposal 2: RLDP 'Vision'
This Paper is also seeking your views on a new Vision for the RLDP. This takes into account national, regional and local policy in addition to the evidence base known to date as set out in the Topic Papers and supporting Background Papers.
Proposal 3: RLDP Priority Issues and Objectives
Having considered the known evidence base to date the Paper also presents a suite of objectives to achieve the vision. This part of the document also identifies the main issues facing the County Borough which have been informed by the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, associated Topic Papers and the Background Papers that support the RLDP.
1.4 Your Views
Your views will be used to help us prepare for the next stage of RLDP preparation which is the Preferred Strategy. You will find specific questions within the document that we would like you to answer.
1.5 The consultation period for this Issues and Options Pre-Deposit Participation stage runs for six weeks between the 17 December 2018 and 25 January 2019 as identified in the Conwy RLDP Delivery Agreement. You can send your comments to us by completing the accompanying electronic consultation questionnaire. Alternatively if you require a paper copy of the questionnaire please contact the Strategic Planning Policy Service.
Strategic Planning Policy Service
By phone: 01492 575461; or
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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