LDP11 Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Assessment for Onshore Wind Turbine Development
Cadw (1998) Register of Landscapes of Outstanding Historic Interest in Wales
Cadw (2001) Register of Landscapes of Special Historic Interest in Wales
Cadw (2007) Guide to Good Practice on Using the Register of Landscapes of Historic Interest in Wales in the Planning and Development Process, 2nd (revised) Edition
Cadw (1998) Register of Landscapes, Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales
Cadw (2004) World Heritage Site Management Plan, The Castles and Town Walls of Edward I in Gwynedd
The Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage (2002) Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland
Clark, J., Darlington, J. & Fairclough, G. (2004) Using Historic Landscape Characterisation
Conwy Borough Council (1998-2003) A Countryside Strategy for Conwy
Countryside Council for Wales (2008) LANDMAP Methodology: Guidance for Wales
Countryside Council for Wales (2008) LANDMAP Information Guidance Note 1: LANDMAP and Special Landscape Areas
Countryside Council for Wales (2010) LANDMAP Information Guidance Note 3: Using LANDMAP for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of Onshore Wind Turbines
Countryside Council for Wales (2010) Guidance on Assessing Cumulative Landscape and Visual Impact of Wind farms in Wales
Countryside Council for Wales (2009) Seascape Assessment of Wales
Countryside Council for Wales (et al) (2011) Guide to Best Practice in Seascape Assessment
Countryside Council for Wales (2009) Wales Landscape Character Areas
Countryside Council for Wales, Cadw and Welsh Assembly Government (2007) Guide to Good Practice on Using the Register of Landscapes of Historic Interest in Wales in the Planning and Development Process
Countryside Council for Wales (2008) Energy & Natural Heritage. Countryside Council for Wales Policy Position Statement
Countryside Council for Wales (2009) Welsh Seascapes and their Sensitivity to Offshore Developments. Policy Research Report No. 08/5
Denbighshire County Council (2003) Denbighshire Landscape Strategy
Denbighshire County Council (2012) Wind Energy Development Interim Planning Guidance
Department of Energy and Climate Change (2009) Guidance on the Assessment of Cumulative Effects of Onshore Wind Farms. Entec Phase 2 Report 2nd draft.
Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2011, Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1)
Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2011, National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3)
Department of Energy and Climate Change (2009) Guidance on the Assessment of Cumulative Effects of Onshore Wind Farms. Entec Phase 2 Report 2nd draft
Department of Energy and Climate Change (2011) National Policy Statement (NPS) EN1 Overarching Energy
Department of Energy and Climate Change (2011) NPS EN3 Renewable Energy Infrastructure
Design Commission for Wales (2012) Designing Wind Farms in Wales
English Heritage & Lancashire County Council Countryside Council for Wales (2008) LANDMAP Methodology Chapters. Countryside Council for Wales Policy Research Reports
The Highland Council (2012) Interim Supplementary Planning Guidance: Onshore Wind Energy
Landscape Institute and the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment (second edition 2002) Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA). This is the industry standard for landscape and visual impact assessment; the second edition was current at the time that this report was produced. The updated third edition of GLVIA was published and released in April 2013 as this report was being finalised.
Scottish Natural Heritage (updated March 2009) Strategic Locational Guidance for Onshore Windfarms
Scottish Natural Heritage (2012) Assessing the Impact of Small Scale Wind Energy Proposals on the Natural Heritage
Scottish Natural Heritage (2009) Siting and Designing Wind Farms in the Landscape
Scottish Natural Heritage (2012) Siting and Design of Small Scale Wind Turbines of between 15 and 50 metres in Height
Scottish Natural Heritage (2009) Assessing the Cumulative Effect of Onshore Wind Energy Developments. Draft for Consultation
The Tourism Company (2009) Clwydian Range AONB Tourism Strategy
Welsh Assembly Government (2012) Planning Policy Wales, Edition 5
Welsh Assembly Government (2005) Technical Advice Note 8: Renewable Energy
Strategic Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Studies
David Tyldsley Associates (2011) Landscape Capacity Study for Wind Energy Development in West Lothian
Gillespies (2004) Scospa Report. Strategic Locational guidance for Wind Energy Development in Respect of the Natural Heritage Report to the Government Office for the North East.
Gillespies (2010) Landscape and Visual Sensitivity of Conwy and Denbighshire to 132kV Overhead Line Development. Unpublished Report for SP Manweb
Julie Martin Associates (2010), Landscape Capacity Study for Wind Energy Developments in the South Pennines
Land Use Consultants (2009) Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study for Wind Farm Development on the Shetland Islands
Cornwall Council (2012) Technical Paper E4 (a) An Assessment of the Landscape Sensitivity to Onshore Wind and Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Development in Cornwall
Lovejoy (2005), Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Energy Developments in Lancashire
Ove Arup & Partners (2005) TAN 8 Annex D Study of Strategic Search Area A – Clocaenog Forest Final Issue Report