Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 20 September 2019

Appendix 1: List of retained, amended and new policies





Sustainable Placemaking in Conwy

Placemaking and Good Design

DP/1 Strategic Policy - Sustainable Development Principles

Functioning effectively -amendments required for further guidance and clarity

DP/4 Development Criteria

Functioning effectively -amendments required for further guidance and clarity.

DP/7 Masterplan and Community Appraisals

Functioning effectively -amendments required for further guidance and integration with other strategies.

DP/8 Colwyn Bay Urban Regeneration Masterplan.

Policy to be revised with emphasis on county-wide culturally-led regeneration. This policy will be moved to the Culturally-led Regeneration section.

New Policy - Achieving Good Design

To provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

The Welsh Language

CTH/5 - The Welsh Language

Revise to take account of latest evidence base and updated national guidance

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

DP/1 Strategic Policy - Sustainable Development Principles

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

DP/4 Development Criteria

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

NTE/1 - The Natural Environment

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

New Policy - Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

New Policy - Achieving Good Design

To provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

New Policy - Green Infrastructure

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

Managaing Settlement Form

DP/1 Strategic Policy - Sustainable Development Principles

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

DP/4 Development Criteria

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and strategic objectives.

NTE/1 - The Natural Environment

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

NTE/2 - Green Wedges and meeting the development needs of the community

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

New Policy - Managing Settlement Form

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

Healthy and Social Places in Conwy

Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

STR/1 - Sustainable Transport, Development And Accessibility

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/2 - Parking Standards

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

STR/3 - Mitigating Travel Impact

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/4 - Non-Motorised Travel

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/5 - Integrated Sustainable Transport System

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/6 - Railfreight

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

New Policy - Transport infrastructure

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.

New Policy - Active Travel

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.

New Policy - Green Infrastructure

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements.

New Policy - Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements.


HOU/1 - Meeting the housing need

Any previous issues with the delivery and distribution of new, sustainable and accessible housing sites is addressed in line with the agreed preferred strategy, incorporating the housing trajectory.

HOU/2 - Affordable Housing for Local Need

Under delivery of AH has mainly been due to low rates of housing completions throughout the region and not due to particular issues with the policy. Nevertheless, this policy will need to be revised, particularly in relation to AH delivery in the open countryside and to take into account the Affordable Housing Viability Study, Affordable Housing Needs Calculation and the Local Housing Market Assessment.

HOU/3 - Phasing Housing Development

The open market and affordable housing delivery rate for the RLDP Plan Period will be outlined in the housing trajectory. The delivery rate will be carefully examined through the JHLAS, LHMA and AMR processes.

HOU/4 - Housing Density

RLDP Housing developments will continue to make best use of land. CCBC will continue to seek a density of 30dph on allocated and large windfall sites. Higher and lower densities will be considered on a site by site basis.

HOU/5 - Housing Mix

The housing mix of a site will continue to be informed by the latest LHMA and other relevant evidence.

HOU/6 - Exception sites for Affordable Housing for Local Need

The slow take up of AH Exception Sites is considered to be due to the availability of finance and viability issues. Changes to the policy will be required to give greater flexibility, in consultation with CCBC Housing Strategy and also mindful of new initiatives such as Self-Build Wales, to improve the delivery of such sites.

HOU/7 - Council and Government owned sites in the plan area

CCBC will continue to seek higher levels of AHLN on Council and Government owned sites, even up to 100% subject to viability and need, and also consider new initiatives such as Self-build Wales in the delivery of such sites. The frontloading of such sites and improvements to the Council's disposal process will also help delivery.

HOU/8 - Register of landholdings

This policy is no longer required and will be deleted.

HOU/9 - Meeting the site need for Gypsies & Travellers

The requirements of this policy are on-going in line with the latest GTAA findings. A new G&T Transit Site will be allocated at Deposit Plan stage. The policy is considered to be generally acceptable subject to minor alterations.

HOU/10 - Houses in multiple occupation and self-contained flats

This policy is presently too restrictive and will be amended to take into account changes to the Use Classes Order, new licencing requirements, the need for small HMO units (LHMA) and recent appeal decisions.

HOU/11 - Residential care homes and extra care housing

This criteria based policy will require modification to reflect the updated older people and specialist housing need and provision as identified in the LHMA and other background evidence.

HOU/12 - Re-use and adaptation of redundant rural buildings for residential use

Recent appeal decisions have highlighted the need to review the policy criteria, particularly in relation to AHLN. Consideration will be given to merging policies EMP/6 and HOU/12 to provide a single set of criteria for all rural conversions.

New Policy - Sites for self-build housing

With the introduction of WG's new Self Build Wales (SBW) scheme consideration will be given to a dedicated policy to cover self-build housing or inclusion within an existing housing policy.

New Policy - Rural Enterprise Dwellings

A new criteria based policy will be required specifically for Rural Enterprise Dwellings in order to assess and control the exceptional need, occupancy, size, etc, in line with TAN2 and TAN6.

Retail and Commercial Centres

CFS/1 - Community Facilities and Services

Rename to Retail as it is now a separate RLDP topic area. Reference to community facilities will be removed.
The policy will be updated to reflect changes to the retail policies below.

CFS/2 - Retail Hierarchy

This has been updated in Background Paper 26. A new Retail Hierarchy is proposed, which better reflects the level of services and facilities available in each centre, and their likely catchment area for shoppers.

CFS/3 - Primary Shopping Areas

National policy states that these areas should continue to be underpinned by A1 shops uses. The boundaries need reviewing to ensure that the concentration of this use is protected and will be changed if necessary. This work will follow at Deposit stage.

CFS/4 - Shopping Zones

National policy has been updated to encourage flexibility of uses in these designated areas.
Background Paper 25 Retail Centre Health Checks has identified that the levels of some uses are unbalanced in some retail centres. The SPG policy needs amending to separate out the non-A1 uses that are causing a negative impact.
The boundaries need reviewing to ensure that there is sufficient A uses in the protected area. These will be changed if necessary. This work will follow at Deposit stage.

CFS/5 - Retail Parks

Amendments are needed to clarify policy stance on applications for A3 uses and amended goods that can be sold, which will protect the town centre of Llandudno.

New Policy - Allocated site

Retail need has been identified in Background Paper 24. Sites will need to be allocated to meet this need.

New Policy - Leisure designation

A designation to protect the leisure function of Llandudno Junction Leisure Park.
This could be included as a sub-section of the policy regarding Parc Llandudno and Mostyn Champneys.

New Policy - Policy to support regeneration and Place Plans

Colwyn Bay has been designated a regeneration area. Retail changes may be required as a result of this. These may be able to be incorporate into the policies above, or may need its own policy.
Place Plans are part of national planning policy. Retail impacts will need to be considered and allowed for in the RLDP, either via the policies above or its own policy.

New Policy - Policy for guiding proposals on unallocated sites

This is a new requirement in national planning policy.

New Policy - Policy for hot food take away units near schools

Childhood obesity is an issue across all of Wales. Encouraging healthy eating in school children and limiting their access to unhealthy foods can help deliver national and local objectives for health and well-being.

Community Facilities

CFS/1 - Community Facilities and Services

Remove reference to retail and open space as these are now separate chapters.
Revise to remove sites that have been delivered.
Review to incorporate latest evidence base, including any new allocations that are required and reflect change in national policy.

CFS/9 - Safeguarding Allotments

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

CFS/10 - New Allotments

Revise to remove sites that have been delivered. Review to incorporate latest evidence base including allocating new sites where required.

CFS/14 - New Burial Ground Allocations

Review to incorporate latest evidence base including any new allocations that are required.

CFS/15 - Education Facilities

Review to incorporate latest evidence base including any new allocations that are required.

New Policy - Policy to allocate new health facilities

New, or extensions to existing primary or secondary healthcare sites may be required to meet the needs of the growing and ageing population.

Recreational Spaces

CFS/1 - Community Facilities and Services

Reference to retail and community facilities will need removing, as recreational spaces is now a separate topic area.
The policy will be updated to reflect changes to the recreational spaces policies below.

CFS/11 - Development and Open Space

This will be updated to reflect the new FiT standards. Thresholds for on-site delivery may change.

CFS/12 - Safeguarding Existing Open Space

Minimal change is required to this policy.

CFS/13 - New Open Space Allocations

This will be reviewed once the Recreational Spaces Assessment is complete. New allocations may be required.

New Policy - Policy to avoid or resolve conflict between different pursuits.

This is a new requirement in national planning policy. The Recreational Spaces Assessment will assess if a policy regarding this issue is required.

New Policy - Use of previously developed or disused land and water bodies for sport and recreation purposes

This is a new requirement in national planning policy. The Recreational Spaces Assessment will be required to assess if there are any appropriate sites for inclusion.

Natural and Cultural Places in Conwy


NTE/1 - The Natural Environment

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

NTE/4 - The landscape and protecting special landscape areas

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

Coastal Areas

NTE/5 - The coastal zone

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

New Policy - Coastal Change and SMP

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

New Policy - Coastal areas and Marine Plans

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

Historic Environment

CTH/1 - Cultural Heritage

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base (See new strategic policy.)

CTH/2 - Development Affecting Heritage Assets

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base (See new overarching strategic policy.)

CTH/3 -Buildings and Structures of Local Importance

Remove - policy covered by national guidance and overarching strategic policy

CTH/4 - Enabling Development

Remove - policy covered by national guidance and overarching strategic policy

Culturally-Led Regeneration

New Policy - Culturally-led Regeneration

To recognise the links between cultural regeneration initiatives and their importance in the making of place.

Green Infrastructure

NTE/2 - Green Wedges and meeting the development needs of the community

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.
This policy will move to the Managing Settlement Form section under Sustainable Placemaking.

Green Infrastructure

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance


NTE/3 - Biodiversity

Functioning effectively -amendments required for further guidance and clarity.

New Policy - Protection and Management of Designated Sites

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance


NTE/8 - Sustainable drainage systems

Amendments required to reflect recent national guiance changes.

NTE/9 - Foul drainage

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required

NTE/10 - Water conservation

Functioning effectively -amendments to reflect national guiance

Air, Soundscape and Light

New Policy - Air Quality

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance

New Policy - Soundscape and Light

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance


DP/1 Strategic Policy - Sustainable Development Principles

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and stategic objectives.

DP/4 Development Criteria

Revise to provide further clarity and integration with other policy, plans and stategic objectives.

NTE/1 - The Natural Environment

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

NTE/2 - Green Wedges and meeting the development needs of the community

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required.

New Policy - Managing Flood Risk

To incorporate latest evidence base and national guidance as well as further clarity.

Prosperous Places in Conwy

Economic Development

EMP/1 - Meeting B1, B2 & B8 Office and Industrial Employment Needs.

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base (See new strategic policy)

EMP/2 - Allocation of New B1, B2 & B8 Office and Industrial Employment Development Sites.

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

EMP/3 - New B1, B2 & B8 Office and Industrial Development on Non-Allocated Sites.

Minor amendments will be required in deposit plan

EMP/4 - Safeguarding B1, B2 & B8 Office and Industrial Sites.

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

EMP/5 - Office and Industrial Employment Improvement Areas


EMP 6- Re-Use and Adaptation of Redundant Rural Buildings

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base


TOU/1 - Sustainable Tourism

Changes to reflect other Policy revisions and new policy additions.

TOU/2 - New sustainable tourism and recreational developments

More clarity is required to support the provision of 'tourist attractions' primarily. This policy will require re-wording and clarification that the accommodation element should only be ancillary and proportionate to the attraction. Remove reference to the former Dolgarrog Aluminium Works site which is now Snowdonia Adventure Park.

TOU/3 - Holiday Accommodation Zone

Recent applications indicate that in certain circumstances an element of flexibility may be required in relation to Holiday Accommodation Zones. Perhaps a two tiered system to protect the 'primary' accommodation stock (i.e, Llandudno Promenade) from alternative uses and allow a more flexible approach to the 'secondary' stock areas - subject to a sound evidence base, including the Conwy Bed stock Survey, HAZ assessment and subject to strict criteria.

TOU/4 - Chalet, caravan and camping sites

This policy will require changes to clarify CCBC's approach and what is meant by reference to 'static caravans', control increases to already large sites, consider modern forms of low impact accommodation and separation of existing & new sites. Also, possible separate policy for camping & caravan sites.

New Policy - Adventure Tourism sites

Where appropriate to support the principle of new and expanded sites in line with a revised Policy TOU/2

New Policy - Alternative forms of holiday accommodation

Consideration to be given to modern, low impact forms of holiday accommodation such as yurts, huts, pods, etc.

New Policy - Rural diversification

There have been a number of applications granted to support existing rural businesses to diversify and provide alternative holiday accommodation. Possible new policy specifically to address and clarify this issue.

New Policy - Permanent new holiday accommodation

A new policy to provide criteria for the development of new and converted permanent holiday accommodation (e.g., hotels, bunk houses)

The Rural Economy

New Policy - Rural Economy

To incorporate latest evidence base to enable expansion of existing rural businesses subject to a criteria based policy.

Transport Infrastructure

STR/1 - Sustainable Transport, Development And Accessibility

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/3 - Mitigating Travel Impact

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

STR/5 - Integrated Sustainable

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

New Policy - Transport infrastructure

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.

New Policy - Active travel

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.


New Policy - Telecommunications & Business Clusters

To incorporate latest evidence base to ensure telecoms providers are involved in the early stages of the development process and to support the locational clustering of business types where appropriate.


NTE/6 - Energy efficiency and renewable technologies in new development

Revise to incorporate more technologies

NTE/7 - Onshore wind turbine development

Revise to amend guidance around national policy.

New Policy - Grid Connection and RE storage

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.

New Policy - Local Energy Generation

To incorporate latest evidence base and requirements for infrastructure delivey and carbon reduction targets.

Minerals & Waste

MWS/1 Minerals & Waste

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base (new strategic policy)

MWS/2 Minerals

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/3 Safeguarding Hard Rock and Sand and Gravel Resources

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/4 Quarry Buffer Zones

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/5 Proposals for Waste Management

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/6 Locations for Waste Management Facilities

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/7 Use of Industrial Land for Waste Management Facilities

Revise to incorporate latest evidence base

MWS/8 Landfill Buffer Zone

Functioning effectively - minor amendments may be required

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