Paper 2: Strategic Growth and Spatial Distribution Options
Appendix 1: RLDP Background Papers
7.1 The list of Background Papers detailed below may be added to over the preparation period of the RLDP. The relevant Background Papers are summarised in the Topic Papers detailed in the introduction. The current list below also provides a progress report.
Background Paper |
Purpose |
Progress |
BP1 |
Growth Level Options report (Housing & Employment) |
This briefing paper looks at the latest national population and household projections, setting out a number of growth options. It compares them with past projections, looks at the implications of the projections for RLDP and provides a critique of the uses of projections. To be updated to conclude a Preferred Growth Level. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP2 |
Spatial Distribution Options Report |
This paper sets out the general spatial distribution of development over the Plan period. This paper details the spatial options considered. To be updated to conclude a Preferred Growth Level. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP3 |
Hierarchy of Settlements and Shared Settlements. |
The BP sets out the current settlement hierarchy options for the RLDP based on an assessment of every settlement character and sustainability. The Settlement Hierarchy is essential in setting the spatial distribution of growth. . To be updated once the preferred settlement strategy is known. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP4 |
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) |
The full SA report is a public document and its purpose is to show how the sustainability considerations are integrated into preparing the LDP. The SA report is also intended to allow readers of the plan an idea of how effective the LDP might be in delivering more sustainable development, and where there might be adverse impacts Where potential negative effects are identified the SA then makes recommendations for how the LDP can be modified, or controls put on development, to avoid or mitigate against these. This is part of a process where successive stages of the emerging LDP are appraised and findings fed into the next stage of plan preparation. |
Stage 1 Scoping Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) Stage 2 SA/SEA of Issues and Option Complete Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP5 |
The Habitat Regulations Appraisal |
There are six European Sites within the Plan Area and a further five just outside the area on which the LDP could potentially have impacts. These sites are either Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) (for the importance of their habitats) or Special Protection Areas (SPAs) (for the importance of their bird species). Essentially, an appraisal will be needed to assess all stages of the RLDP and whether it is likely to have a significant effect on a European Site and, if so, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) will need to be undertaken. The LDP cannot be adopted unless it can be ascertained, by means of the AA, that the plan will not adversely affect the integrity of the site(s). |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP6 |
Site Deliverability Assessment |
This report details the process undertaken for assessing sites submitted for potential inclusion in the RLDP, known as 'candidate sites'. Sites have been submitted for a number of land uses and have been subject to a detailed site assessment process, the purpose of which is to identify the most suitable sites for inclusion in the LDP to meet the identified site needs for residential, employment and mixed uses. |
Not started: Will be started following the consultation and assessment of candidate sites. |
BP7 |
Housing Land Supply |
This Background Paper looks at the possible and realistic sources of housing land supply over the RLDP 2018 - 2033 period. It should be read in conjunction with the other related background papers, including the Joint Housing Land Availability Study (JHLAS) |
In progress. In progress. Initial draft available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP8 |
Conwy Annual Joint Housing Land Availability Study (2018) |
This is the annual Joint Housing Land Availability Study Report and provides crucial trend data relating to housing delivery and take-up. The JHLAS is a good source of data to understand the capacity of the housebuilding industry and inform growth levels. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP9 |
Local Housing Market Assessment. (LHMA) |
This report considers evidence about housing need and demand in Conwy and will inform the preparation of local strategies including planning and housing policies. It should be read in conjunction with the other related background papers, including the Joint Housing Land Availability Study (JHLAS) BP5, the Affordable Housing Needs Calculation BP31 And the Affordable Housing Viability Study BP7 |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP10 |
Affordable Housing Viability Study |
The Study will advise on the most ambitious yet achievable and viable target(s) and threshold(s) for affordable housing which fully reflect the availability of a range of finance towards affordable housing and reflects priority infrastructure needs. The study will also assess the potential options for increasing affordable housing levels via various options, which will inform later policy. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP11 |
Affordable Housing Needs Calculation |
When the Council publishes its LDP, it must explain how the relevant policy has been formulated based on the evidence available to the Council at the time. This background paper provides evidence and justification for the policy approach in the LDP relating to the affordable housing target. This paper will be important in assessing all potential mechanism to improve affordable housing delivery, including investigating land values to assist RSLs. The affordable housing needs calculation looks at current and potential future affordable housing need, and calculates an annual estimate of how many households will require help to access affordable housing in addition to households who are already being helped. It is important to note that the 'bottom line' affordable housing need figure isn't simply about the requirement to build new homes - it's about households in need. As well as providing new affordable housing, there are a variety of other ways of helping these households which don't require new building - for example through placement within existing social housing stock; the provision of supported purchase schemes such as that provided through the First Steps register; the conversion or adaptation of existing stock to better meet tenants' (from stock within both the social sector and the private sector) and through financial support to rent within the private sector (housing benefit). Though some households identified as being in need of help to access affordable housing will be currently without a home, most will have accommodation, albeit in inadequate housing. This does not negate the need to provide a significantly greater number of affordable housing options (particularly as housing costs continue to rise and those with lower incomes are squeezed out of market), but suggests that methods other than building new housing for social and intermediate tenure need to be employed to meet this need. This BP will be crucial in understanding this. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP12 |
Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) |
In light of changes to the Use Classes Order related to HMOs and the need to accommodate single household accommodation, the current policy will be reviewed in light of the outcomes of this paper. |
In progress. The BP is in progress and will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP13 |
Phasing Plan |
Its purpose is to provide further evidence and justification for the phasing of housing and employment sites between 2018 and 2033. |
Not started: Will be started following the consultation and assessment of candidate sites. |
BP14 |
Capacity of the Housebuilding Industry |
It is essential that the Council has an understanding of the capacity of the house building industry. This will allow a sound and appropriate level of housing supply to be delivered enabling the Council to tackle the issues associated with the projected population change during that period. To help gain this understanding, the Council will liaise with developers and landowners to understand capacity issues. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP15 |
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTANA) |
Sets out that the Conwy has a current need to deliver 1 transit to accommodate 7 pitches. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP16 |
Brexit and the Rural Economy |
The BP specifically investigates the potential impact of Brexit on the rural economy and farm diversification and implications on policy in the RLDP |
Complete: Available for the Pre-Participation Issues & Options Consultation with key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP17 |
Employment Land Supply |
The Employment Land Supply Report is a study of all employment sites over 0.1 hectares that are considered suitable for office, industrial or warehouse development. This is a continuous exercise and is updated on an annual basis. The study monitors the take up, allocation and distribution of employment land and enables the Council to begin to determine the extent to which the employment requirements set out in the LDP can realistically be met through existing provision. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP18 |
Employment Land Review (including Regional Economic Drivers) |
Assesses a number of employment forecasts to determine the level of employment land required over the RLDP period. The BP also concludes the type of business-class development required. The BP has also considered the implications of the North Wales Growth Deal and Conwy Economic Strategy in terms of employment need and land requirement. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP19 |
Commercial Market Analysis |
The BP considers the best locations for employment laving consulted with existing employees with the County Borough. The work will assist the employment land locations and inform the growth strategy. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP20 |
Skills Needs Assessment |
This BP takes on-board the outcome set in the Conwy Economic Strategy to understand the needs for higher education faculties and the potential for a new higher education campus. The conclusions of the BP will inform the need for land/policy. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP21 |
Primary Holiday Accommodation Zones (HAZs) |
This paper analyses the existing policies and provision for holiday accommodation in the tourism centre of Llandudno. The provision of holiday accommodation in the HAZs is reviewed in line with the established policies for holiday accommodation zones, and the survey results will inform any proposed changes to these zones in the RLDP. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP22 |
Tourism Growth Strategy |
Will assess the demand for tourism facilities (including adventure tourism) and accommodation throughout the County Borough. The BP will inform potential policy and land-use designations and allocations. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP23 |
Llandudno Tourism Vision |
Will set out the future direction for Llandudno in partnership with the sector. The Vision may result in the need to identify supporting policy and land-use allocations. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP24 |
Retail Capacity Study |
The study considers key retailing statistics and spending with County Borough and identifies opportunities and constraints affecting each settlement. It then provides an assessment of how best to accommodate future requirements for retail floor-space. The Retail Study also identifies a number of recommended actions for the Council to undertake concerning planning policy |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018), but land options will not be considered until the preferred Strategy in summer 2019. |
BP25 |
Retail Centre Health Checks |
This BP assesses the overall health of the town centres against various criteria, including vacancy levels, accessibility, etc. It will inform the retail policies and regeneration strategies for the RLDP |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options Consultation with Key Stakeholders (Oct 2018) |
BP26 |
Retail Hierarchy |
The current LDP has a Retail Hierarchy based on sustainability criteria. The hierarchy is used in policy to ensure that major retailing is directed towards the most sustainable towns. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP27 |
Primary & Secondary Retail Areas |
This paper has two main purposes; to explain the rationale behind the formulation of the retail hierarchy, and to review and rationalise the existing shopping zones within the adopted local plans, proposing amendments and new boundaries where appropriate. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP28 |
Open Space Assessment |
This paper analyses and reviews the existing provision of open space in Conwy and will include proposed new sites in the LDP. The BP will also inform potential growth strategies die to the importance of creating healthy and active lifestyles. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP29 |
Green Wedge Assessment |
This report reviews the role of designated Green Barriers and Green Wedges within current development plans covering Conwy County Borough. It also sets out to identify any proposed amendments to existing Green Barriers/Wedges as a result of previous commitments or proposed housing allocations. Finally it seeks to identify any new areas in need of designation due to risk of coalescence or other landscape reason. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP30 |
Allotment Site Demand and Supply Report |
The purpose of this background paper is to outline the current level of allotment provision, identify those areas where there is the greatest demand for allotments and assess any potential new allotment sites |
Subject to call for sites. In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP31 |
Burial Grounds Site Demand and Supply Report |
The purpose of this background paper is to outline the current level of allotment provision, identify those areas where there is the greatest demand for allotments and assess any potential new allotment sites |
Subject to call for sites. In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP32 |
Special Landscape Areas |
This Background Paper (BP) provides a brief overview of processes involved in identifying the landscape character areas within the Plan Area and the reasoning and justification for the criteria set out in Policy NTE/5 of the revised deposit Plan. Special Landscape Areas were included in the Colwyn Borough Local Plan, Gwynedd Structure Plan and Unitary Development Plan with the intention of adding further weight to the protection of the undeveloped rural areas. In all of these plans the Character Areas covered all of the plan area outside of the defined settlement boundaries. In the future it is proposed that LANDMAP is used as a basis for landscape impact assessments |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP33 |
Renewable Energy Assessment |
To provide a robust Renewable Energy evidence base which will inform the RLDP production and form the baseline for future monitoring of Renewable Energy. |
Complete. Although the BP will inform and be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP34 |
Conwy Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment. (SFCA) |
Flooding is a natural occurrence which is often hard to predict. It can pose a direct risk to human life and cause extensive damage to both property and infrastructure. The threat posed by climate change is likely to increase the risk of coastal and fluvial flooding due to a predicted rise in the sea-level and a more intense rainfall. Therefore the risk of flooding is a material consideration which influences both development control decisions and LDP site allocations. The aim of the SFRA is to inform the application of the sequential test to candidate development sites within the LDP. This will enable the Local Planning Authority to adopt the precautionary principle promoted in National planning guidance to direct development away from high flood risk areas. |
Not started: Will be started following the consultation and assessment of candidate sites. |
BP35 |
Flood Risk and Development Opportunities to the East of the County Borough. |
Main purpose of this study is to assess the potential for development in the flood risk by promoting innovative design solutions. The paper will inform the preferred growth strategy. But ultimately will assess the potential for accommodating development in this area due to high levels of current flood risk. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP36 |
Waste Management |
There are many drivers for change in terms of how we manage our waste. European Directives and National Guidance, and also regional-level working is bringing about a step-change in the management of waste. The purpose of this background paper is to set the context and provide a summary of these drivers and local issues which will influence land-use policy, and form part of the evidence base to support Waste policies in the LDP. An assessment of land for suitability for waste management facilities is also included, recommending two sites in the County Borough. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP37 |
Minerals |
Construction projects can sterilise aggregate resources permanently, rendering them unavailable for future generations. Planning policies protect potentially valuable aggregate resources from development proposals which might sterilise them in the long-term. This background paper explains how the LDP ensures that aggregate reserves are safeguarded for future generations. |
Complete. The BP is in progress and will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP38 |
Heritage Designations |
This Background Paper (BP) provides a brief overview of the statutory heritage designations that need to be factored in reviewing the LDP. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP39 |
Buildings and Structures of Local Importance (BSLI) |
The BP will inform the reasoning and justification for the BSLI policy which seeks to retain/retain non-listed buildings of historic/architectural interest |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP40 |
Active Travel Plan |
Assesses the alternative mode routes (cycling, walking, etc) throughout the County Borough and identifies key gaps in the overall system.. The BP will inform the potential improvement areas, policy and the spatial distribution. |
Complete. Although the BP will inform and be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP41 |
Conwy Strategic Transport Strategy |
Will set out the strategic transport interventions for the County Borough. |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP42 |
Welsh Language Impact Assessment |
This background paper provides evidence and justification for the policy approach in the LDP relating to the Welsh language. It will inform the preferred growth strategy in line with TAN20 |
In progress. The BP is in progress will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP43 |
Collaborative Working with neighbouring Authorities. |
This background paper details the collaboration undertaken with neighbouring Councils and local planning authorities in preparing the LDP. This includes cross boundary issues such as the economy, affordable housing and transport |
In progress. The BP is in progress and will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP44 |
Population Increase, Housing & Health/Primary Care Impact |
The BP will assess the current capacity issues and understand the impacts from projected growth on Primary Care. The BP will determine whether land/obligations are required to assist growth levels. |
In progress. The BP is in progress and will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP45 |
Population Increase, Housing & Education Impact |
The BP will assess the current capacity issues and understand the impacts from projected growth on education. The BP will determine whether land/obligations are required to assist growth levels. |
In progress. The BP is in progress and will be available for the Preferred Strategy consultation (Summer 2019) |
BP46 |
Place Plans |
This paper sets out the forwards approach and status of Place Plans in Conwy. Place Plans will set out the more detailed thematic or site specific guidance to supplement the policies and proposals presented in an LDP, Town and Community Councils will engage with local communities, business and the LPA to deliver Place Plans locally. Place Plans will be Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the adopted Local Development Plan and must be in conformity with it. A Place Plan where produced in accordance with the guidance will be a material consideration when deciding planning applications. |
Complete. Available for the Pre-participation Issues & Options |