Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Mineral Products Association ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddYdw
Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Question 1: Do you agree that the RLDP structure should be aligned to reflect the obligations of the WFG Act and the subject areas set out in Draft PPW (Edition 10)
ID sylw: 27393
Derbyniwyd: 25/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Mineral Products Association ltd
Yes, we agree the structure should be aligned to reflect the obligations of the WFG Act and the subject areas set in the adopted PPW (Edition 10).
See scanned representation.
Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Question 2: Do you think that this is the right Vision for the Conwy RLDP?
ID sylw: 27394
Derbyniwyd: 25/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Mineral Products Association ltd
See scanned representation.
Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Question 3: Do you think the Vision is well placed to deliver Sustainable Places in Conwy?
ID sylw: 27395
Derbyniwyd: 25/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Mineral Products Association ltd
See scanned representation.
Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Question 4: Do you agree with the Objectives?
ID sylw: 27396
Derbyniwyd: 25/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Mineral Products Association ltd
In general, we agree with the objectives as indicated.
See scanned representation.
Nac ydw
Papur 1: Materion Blaenoriaeth, Gweledigaeth ac Amcanion
Question 5: Are there any other objectives that should be considered?
ID sylw: 27397
Derbyniwyd: 25/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Mineral Products Association ltd
See scanned representation.