
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol

ID sylw: 27912

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2019

Ymatebydd: mrs clare azurza

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

~ safety and access especially for my disabled son due to generation of more traffic
~loss of natural habitat esp for grey crested newts seen to have habitat there ~trees for sustainability
~history of rejection
~approval sets a precedent
~proposal is inappropriate development within a green belt and does not contribute to needs of affordable housing?aging population housing due to its location with no transport links
~negative impact on my property through loss of privacy and safety of my disabled son who uses the lane with a wheelchair and is registered severely sight impaired
~nature conservation
~ neg impact

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

dismiss this application

Testun llawn:

~ safety and access especially for my disabled son due to generation of more traffic
~loss of natural habitat esp for grey crested newts seen to have habitat there ~trees for sustainability
~history of rejection
~approval sets a precedent
~proposal is inappropriate development within a green belt and does not contribute to needs of affordable housing?aging population housing due to its location with no transport links
~negative impact on my property through loss of privacy and safety of my disabled son who uses the lane with a wheelchair and is registered severely sight impaired
~nature conservation
~ neg impact

Ein hymateb:

Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.