
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol

ID sylw: 27846

Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2019

Ymatebydd: Mr Eric Mawson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Same issues as site 1 but having both sites will further exasperate the problems.

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

No development in this area to be allowed.

Testun llawn:

Same issues as site 1 but having both sites will further exasperate the problems.

Ein hymateb:

Noted. The issues of concern such as impact on highways, schools, health services, open space, countryside, habitats, drainage & sewerage, agricultural land will be addressed as part of the LDP planning process with the necessary investigations taking place prior to LDP allocation / at pre-application stage as appropriate.