
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol

ID sylw: 27710

Derbyniwyd: 15/09/2019

Ymatebydd: Miss D Foulds

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The proposed development would:
*Increase the risk of radon exposure by excavating the soil to build*
*Impose upon already existing large communities.
*Overstretch GP surgery and schools.
*Create undue stress for medical staff and teachers.
*Create longer waits for appointments/treatment, and reduce quality education by increasing teacher/student ratio.
*Increase congestion and heavy traffic along already overused surrounding roads.
*Increase safety risk at Llanellian Road/Peulwys Lane T-junction.
*Create increased traffic at Marine roundabout, raising safety concerns generally, considering the amount of incidents/collisions occurred over recent years.
*Additionally, school-children cross these roads 5-days a week, often not paying due care or attention.

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

The plan to build in this area does not appear to be well considered at all. I am objecting to the proposed development based on the above points. I cannot think of a single positive reason to build such a large amount of houses, which would look out of character, in this area.

Testun llawn:

The proposed development would:
*Increase the risk of radon exposure by excavating the soil to build*
*Impose upon already existing large communities.
*Overstretch GP surgery and schools.
*Create undue stress for medical staff and teachers.
*Create longer waits for appointments/treatment, and reduce quality education by increasing teacher/student ratio.
*Increase congestion and heavy traffic along already overused surrounding roads.
*Increase safety risk at Llanellian Road/Peulwys Lane T-junction.
*Create increased traffic at Marine roundabout, raising safety concerns generally, considering the amount of incidents/collisions occurred over recent years.
*Additionally, school-children cross these roads 5-days a week, often not paying due care or attention.

Ein hymateb:

Noted. The issues of concern such as impact on highways, schools, health services, open space, countryside, habitats, drainage & sewerage, agricultural land will be addressed as part of the LDP planning process with the necessary investigations taking place prior to LDP allocation / at pre-application stage as appropriate.