
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol

ID sylw: 27534

Derbyniwyd: 29/08/2019

Ymatebydd: Mrs Tracey Warburton

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Negative impact on local residents, no ideal access, would also increase traffic to the area. Field also gets very wet could cause more problems for Bryn Maelgwyn Lane and Bryn Lupus Road.

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

Not suitable for development remove

Testun llawn:

Negative impact on local residents, no ideal access, would also increase traffic to the area. Field also gets very wet could cause more problems for Bryn Maelgwyn Lane and Bryn Lupus Road.

Ein hymateb:

Service providers including Highways will be further consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP. The site is not protected as open space.