
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol

ID sylw: 27520

Derbyniwyd: 29/08/2019

Ymatebydd: Mrs Tracey Warburton

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Over recent years the traffic has increased on Bryn Lupus Road,it is already a very busy road and has increased traffic during term times, as it is used as a route for school buses,to build a school on this site would only increase the volume of traffic causing problems with highway safety and noise disturbance resulting on a negative impact for local residents and development would spoil the character of the village.
Also when there is heavy rainfall water runs off the Vardre and floods the field and runs down Bryn Lupus Road.

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

I can't see any changes that would make the development of this site positive

Testun llawn:

Over recent years the traffic has increased on Bryn Lupus Road,it is already a very busy road and has increased traffic during term times, as it is used as a route for school buses,to build a school on this site would only increase the volume of traffic causing problems with highway safety and noise disturbance resulting on a negative impact for local residents and development would spoil the character of the village.
Also when there is heavy rainfall water runs off the Vardre and floods the field and runs down Bryn Lupus Road.

Ein hymateb:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.