Preferred Strategy
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Preferred Strategy
10.3 Old Colwyn
Representation ID: 27906
Received: 17/09/2019
Respondent: Cadwgan Surgery
The RLDP proposed a new surgery within the Old Colwyn development. It is not explained whether this is intended as a branch surgery for an existing practice or a new surgery. it is highly unlikely that a new surgery would be established by the Local Health Board, and there is no good reason to open a branch surgery within half a mile of our surgery, so neither of these would be workable options.
There are also practical consideration relating to access and parking at our surgery.
See attached document.
Noted. If a need is identified for additional primary care capacity in the area, the planning process can provide land to support this need where required. It is up to the Health Board in discussion and consultation with local GPs to determine the format of provision and resolve any staffing issues.