
Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27554

Received: 31/08/2019

Respondent: Mr Doug Scott

Representation Summary:

No building should be permitted in this area as the few existing roads serving this area are already saturated due to building which has taken place. Doctors surgeries are also oversubscribed.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site from development plan.

Full text:

No building should be permitted in this area as the few existing roads serving this area are already saturated due to building which has taken place. Doctors surgeries are also oversubscribed.

Our response:

Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.