Strategaeth a Ffefrir

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio Bay of Colwyn Town Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Strategaeth a Ffefrir


ID sylw: 28009

Derbyniwyd: 19/09/2019

Ymatebydd: Bay of Colwyn Town Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

1. A clearer policy statement is requested in respect of 'affordable housing', the Town Council request a locally relevant definition.
2. Planning policy needs to encourage new housing growth to follow new employment growth.
3. The development of previously used, or brownfield, sites should be encouraged by planning policy.
4. There are some key areas in the Bay of Colwyn area that need to be considered as part of the review of green wedges, to prevent urban sprawl

Testun llawn:

See attached document.


Ein hymateb:

Accepted in Part: The RLDP will be revised to reflect affordable housing proposals set out in the NDF. The current RLDP promotes an holistic strategy which reflects a balanced approach to employment and housing need. The sequential approach to site selection also favours brownfield land/buildings as a priority to support sustainable developments. The RLDP is also supported by a Green Wedge Assessment informing the green wedges in Colwyn Bay.


Strategaeth a Ffefrir


ID sylw: 28010

Derbyniwyd: 19/09/2019

Ymatebydd: Bay of Colwyn Town Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Whilst the Town Council agrees in principle with the overall level of growth being proposed across the County for housing and employment, greater emphasis needs to be placed on the use of brownfield sites and particularly bringing empty homes back into use.

As a general principle, any larger allocations of land for housing should follow allocations of employment land, to encourage mixed-age occupation and prevent the unintended creation of 'dormitories' for commuters or for people retiring to the area.

Testun llawn:

See attached document.


Ein hymateb:



Strategaeth a Ffefrir

Hen Golwyn

ID sylw: 28011

Derbyniwyd: 19/09/2019

Ymatebydd: Bay of Colwyn Town Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Whilst we accept the need for some new housing sites in the Bay of Colwyn area, we have concerns about the proposed strategic site in Old Colwyn:

There are significant access and highways issues which need to be overcome to facilitate the allocation of a site of this scale.

Though it is noted the developer(s) would be required to make a contribution towards the infrastructure , there is uncertainty and significant local concern about how these will be staffed/resourced.

We would prefer to see housing development following employment growth.

Greenfield sites should provide a substantial proportion of AHLN.

Testun llawn:

See attached document.


Ein hymateb:

Noted - The concerns are recognised and will be addressed through various measures put in place during the planning process, for example following the recommendations of Transport Assessments as agreed with the Council's Highways officers, the provision of monies from developers towards schools where this is needed and land for a satelite surgery subject to the Healthboard's approval. Levels of Affordable housing will be dictated by a specific policy in the LDP which will be informed by the National Development Framework for Wales.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut I ddefnyddio’r system ac I wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.