Strategaeth a Ffefrir
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio The Llanrhos Road & Marine Terrace Residents Group
Chwilio o’r newyddSylw
Strategaeth a Ffefrir
ID sylw: 27428
Derbyniwyd: 04/08/2019
Ymatebydd: The Llanrhos Road & Marine Terrace Residents Group
I represent the Marine Terrace & Llanrhos Road Residents Association which is a recognised group. My comment is in reference to Site 73 (Winllan Farm field) in the candidates register. As far as I am aware this field is still classified as a Green Wedge area and should be protected as such. Many attempts have been made to build on this site and the last time was refused by the Welsh Office inspector because it would affect the coalescence between Penrhyn Bay and Glanwyddan. Nothing has changed in this respect. Please protect our precious green fields.
I represent the Marine Terrace & Llanrhos Road Residents Association which is a recognised group. My comment is in reference to Site 73 (Winllan Farm field) in the candidates register. As far as I am aware this field is still classified as a Green Wedge area and should be protected as such. Many attempts have been made to build on this site and the last time was refused by the Welsh Office inspector because it would affect the coalescence between Penrhyn Bay and Glanwyddan. Nothing has changed in this respect. Please protect our precious green fields.
Noted. However the site has been submitted again and will be assessed again. The LDP process allows opportunity to review the Green Wedge designations.