Papur 2: Twf Strategol ac Opsiynau Dosbarthiad Gofodol
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Chwilio o’r newyddYdw
Papur 2: Twf Strategol ac Opsiynau Dosbarthiad Gofodol
Cwestiwn 1:
ID sylw: 27323
Derbyniwyd: 24/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
We note that the Council are seeking to allocate development in accordance with a settlement hierarchy and that the level of growth to be allocated to specific settlements will be consulted on at later stages of the plan process. In order to accurately assess how growth will impact upon our infrastructure we will need to know the amount and distribution of growth. We welcome early engagement in the LDP process and we would be pleased to work with your Authority in examining the impact of the proposed options on our assets once further information is available.
See scanned representation.
Papur 2: Twf Strategol ac Opsiynau Dosbarthiad Gofodol
Cwestiwn 9:
ID sylw: 27324
Derbyniwyd: 24/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Welsh Water has no real preferred growth option from those under consideration. We look to the adopted Local Plan to guide us where future investment in our infrastructure may be required and we aim to ensure that sufficient capacity exists to accommodate domestic development, however if a lack of capacity is identified we look to address this through capital investment in our Asset Management Plans (AMP). To support this investment planning we require some certainty in terms of growth areas and site allocations.
See scanned representation.
Papur 2: Twf Strategol ac Opsiynau Dosbarthiad Gofodol
Cwestiwn 11:
ID sylw: 27325
Derbyniwyd: 24/01/2019
Ymatebydd: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
We are pleased that the document recognises the importance of ensuring that new development areas can be served, or are capable of being served, by appropriate infrastructure. We will need to know the level of growth in each settlement and the specific location of proposed allocations in order to accurately assess the capability of our existing water and sewerage networks, and Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW), to accommodate development.
See scanned representation.