26 Tir i’r dwyrain o Ddolgau, Dolwen Road, Hen Golwyn
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27558
Derbyniwyd: 31/08/2019
Ymatebydd: Mr Doug Scott
No building should be permitted in this area as the few existing roads serving this area are already saturated due to building which has taken place. Doctors surgeries are also oversubscribed.
Remove site from development plan.
No building should be permitted in this area as the few existing roads serving this area are already saturated due to building which has taken place. Doctors surgeries are also oversubscribed.
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27612
Derbyniwyd: 05/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Mr Huw Owen
This is opposite Bryn y Mor which was built outside the settlement boundary and on part agricultural land . The increased volume of traffic on Dolwen Rd/ Llanelian Rd as a result of this planning decision is noticeable. Any further development in this area needs to be prevented. The area is already beginning to represent an urban sprawl. Please don't make further ridiculous decisions in this area of Old Colwyn
Remove from plan
This is opposite Bryn y Mor which was built outside the settlement boundary and on part agricultural land . The increased volume of traffic on Dolwen Rd/ Llanelian Rd as a result of this planning decision is noticeable. Any further development in this area needs to be prevented. The area is already beginning to represent an urban sprawl. Please don't make further ridiculous decisions in this area of Old Colwyn
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27728
Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Miss Jo Hughes
The development would
Increase traffic on Llanelian Rd and Dolwen Rd these roads are too narrow with a limited pavement along Dolwen Rd. There is insufficient parking at Colwyn Bay football ground and during home games football supporters park on both sides of the road reducing this to a single line of traffic.
Place a burden on services, schools are facing funding cuts and Betsi Cadwaladr is struggling to recruit GPs to area.
Increase traffic on the marine roundabout
Impact local wildlife - hedge rows and green open spaces.
no development
The development would
Increase traffic on Llanelian Rd and Dolwen Rd these roads are too narrow with a limited pavement along Dolwen Rd. There is insufficient parking at Colwyn Bay football ground and during home games football supporters park on both sides of the road reducing this to a single line of traffic.
Place a burden on services, schools are facing funding cuts and Betsi Cadwaladr is struggling to recruit GPs to area.
Increase traffic on the marine roundabout
Impact local wildlife - hedge rows and green open spaces.
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27765
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Mrs June Ryan
The land is outside of the settlement boundary and in open countryside. There will be an adverse effect on wild life and the health and well being of the residents of Old Colwyn, with the destruction of hedgerows, trees and footpaths. There is already an acute lack of amenity space in Colwyn. The infrastructure is not in place all existing roads are unsuitable for any increase in traffic. Old Colwyn is already over developed.
No further development in Old Colwyn
The land is outside of the settlement boundary and in open countryside. There will be an adverse effect on wild life and the health and well being of the residents of Old Colwyn, with the destruction of hedgerows, trees and footpaths. There is already an acute lack of amenity space in Colwyn. The infrastructure is not in place all existing roads are unsuitable for any increase in traffic. Old Colwyn is already over developed.
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27787
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2019
Ymatebydd: george ryan
Infrastructure cannot sustain existing community.
Remove from plan.
Infrastructure cannot sustain existing community.
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27853
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Judith Griffith
Gwrthwynebaf adeiladu ar y safle yma oherwydd yr effaith ar ein iaith a'n diwylliant; yr effaith ar ein lonydd; yr effaith ar ein cefn gwlad a'r effaith ar ein hysgolion a'r meddygfa yma.
ynnu'r safle oddi wrth y cynllun datblygu
Rwyf yn gwrthwynebu'n gryf adeiladu ar y safle yma. Bydd adeiladu tai yma yn gael effaith erchyll ar y cefn gwlad, y safleodd gwyrdd a'r bywyd gwyllt sydd yno ac o'i gwmpas. Yn waeth na hynny, nid yw'r priffyrdd o gwmpas y safle yn medru ymdopi hefo'r nifer enfawr o draffig sydd ar y lonydd yma rwan, a mi fydd adeiladu'r tai yma yn adio nifer enfawr o geir i'r lonydd yma. Mae'r traffig ar Lon Llaneilian wedi cynyddu'n fawr ers i'r stad diweddaraf gael ei adael ar Lon Dolwen a mae'r lon yn brysur iawn. Mae arwyneb y lon wedi gwaethygu hefyd ers yr adeiladu yma a bysa adeiladu mwy o dai ar y lon yma yn gwaethygu'r sefyllfa traffig a dirywio'r lon ymhellach - dydi arwyneb y lon yma ddim yn medru gwrthsefyll y traffig sydd yn teithio arno rwan. Does dim lle yn y meddygfa lleol na'r ysgolion lleol i fwy o drigolion yn yr ardal yma, a does dim warant bysa unrhyw meddygfa newydd yn denu doctoriad i'r ardal, yn enwedig wrth wybod yr anhawster recriwtio sydd gan y meddygfa yma yn barod (a'r ffaith fod y meddygfa arall yma wedi cau!) Mae yna hefyd wastad problem efo llifogydd ar Lon Llanelian pan mae'n bwrw yn ystod y hydref/gaeaf ac ers adeiladu'r tai diweddaraf ar Lon Dolwen, mae hwn wedi gwaethygu. Mae adeiladu mwy o dai yn mynd i gael effaith ar charffosiaeth a'r system ddraenio a'r llifogydd hyn. Yn olaf, teimlaf yn gryf fod adeiladu unrhyw dai newydd yn yr ardal yn mynd i gael effaith negyddol ar ein iaith Gymraeg a'n diwylliant. Does dim byd yn atal pobol o tua allan i'r ardal (neu tu allan i Gymru) prynu'r tai yma a chymudo i'w gwaith yn rhywle arall, neu ymddeol i fyw yma o ardal arall. Mae Cymraeg yn iaith lleiafrif Hen Golwyn yn barod - does dim eisiau gwanhau'r iaith yn bellach drwy adeiladu tai a fydd ar gael i bobol tu allan i'r ardal yma.
Nodwyd. Mae safleoedd ymgeisiol fel hwn wrthi'n cael eu hasesu i weld a ydynt yn addas i'w cynnwys yn y CDLl i'w Archwilio gan y Cyhoedd. Os caiff ei ddewis, bydd y safle'n ymddangos ar y map cynigion fel dyraniad/y tu mewn i'r ffin anheddiad. Bydd hyn yn destun ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus pellach yng ngham Archwilio'r CDLl gan y Cyhoedd.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27865
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Rhys Griffith
Gwrthwynebaf adeiladu ar y safle yma oherwydd yr effaith ar ein iaith a'n diwylliant; yr effaith ar ein lonydd; yr effaith ar ein cefn gwlad a'r effaith ar ein hysgolion a'r meddygfa yma.
Tynnu'r safle oddi wrth y cynllun datblygu
Rwyf yn gwrthwynebu'n gryf adeiladu ar y safle yma. Bydd adeiladu tai yma yn gael effaith erchyll ar y cefn gwlad, y safleodd gwyrdd a'r bywyd gwyllt sydd yno ac o'i gwmpas. Yn waeth na hynny, nid yw'r priffyrdd o gwmpas y safle yn medru ymdopi hefo'r nifer enfawr o draffig sydd ar y lonydd yma rwan, a mi fydd adeiladu'r tai yma yn adio nifer enfawr o geir i'r lonydd yma. Mae'r traffig ar Lon Llaneilian wedi cynyddu'n fawr ers i'r stad diweddaraf gael ei adael ar Lon Dolwen a mae'r lon yn brysur iawn. Mae arwyneb y lon wedi gwaethygu hefyd ers yr adeiladu yma a bysa adeiladu mwy o dai ar y lon yma yn gwaethygu'r sefyllfa traffig a dirywio'r lon ymhellach - dydi arwyneb y lon yma ddim yn medru gwrthsefyll y traffig sydd yn teithio arno rwan. Does dim lle yn y meddygfa lleol na'r ysgolion lleol i fwy o drigolion yn yr ardal yma, a does dim warant bysa unrhyw meddygfa newydd yn denu doctoriad i'r ardal, yn enwedig wrth wybod yr anhawster recriwtio sydd gan y meddygfa yma yn barod (a'r ffaith fod y meddygfa arall yma wedi cau!) Mae yna hefyd wastad problem efo llifogydd ar Lon Llanelian pan mae'n bwrw yn ystod y hydref/gaeaf ac ers adeiladu'r tai diweddaraf ar Lon Dolwen, mae hwn wedi gwaethygu. Mae adeiladu mwy o dai yn mynd i gael effaith ar charffosiaeth a'r system ddraenio a'r llifogydd hyn. Yn olaf, teimlaf yn gryf fod adeiladu unrhyw dai newydd yn yr ardal yn mynd i gael effaith negyddol ar ein iaith Gymraeg a'n diwylliant. Does dim byd yn atal pobol o tua allan i'r ardal (neu tu allan i Gymru) prynu'r tai yma a chymudo i'w gwaith yn rhywle arall, neu ymddeol i fyw yma o ardal arall. Mae Cymraeg yn iaith lleiafrif Hen Golwyn yn barod - does dim eisiau gwanhau'r iaith yn bellach drwy adeiladu tai a fydd ar gael i bobol tu allan i'r ardal yma.
Nodwyd. Mae safleoedd ymgeisiol fel hwn wrthi'n cael eu hasesu i weld a ydynt yn addas i'w cynnwys yn y CDLl i'w Archwilio gan y Cyhoedd. Os caiff ei ddewis, bydd y safle'n ymddangos ar y map cynigion fel dyraniad/y tu mewn i'r ffin anheddiad. Bydd hyn yn destun ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus pellach yng ngham Archwilio'r CDLl gan y Cyhoedd.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27872
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2019
Ymatebydd: mrs janet brennan
This would place a massive burden on the local infrastructure. Doctors, schools, sewage. Llanelian/dolwen road cannot cope with the amount of traffic this development would generate. I have concerns about the impact on the properties to the north due to the risk of flooding as there would be less land available to absorb rainfall
This development should not go ahead
This would place a massive burden on the local infrastructure. Doctors, schools, sewage. Llanelian/dolwen road cannot cope with the amount of traffic this development would generate. I have concerns about the impact on the properties to the north due to the risk of flooding as there would be less land available to absorb rainfall
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.
Cofrestr o Safleoedd Ymgeisiol
ID sylw: 27947
Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2019
Ymatebydd: Cadnant Planning
The site is detached from the existing built up form of the settlement by undeveloped land. Development of this land for housing would not be considered to be a logical extension to the settlement.
Discard progression of this candidate site.
The site is detached from the existing built up form of the settlement by undeveloped land. Development of this land for housing would not be considered to be a logical extension to the settlement.
Noted. Candidate sites such as this one are currently being assessed for suitability for inclusion in the Deposit LDP. If selected then the site will appear on the proposals map as an allocation/inside the settlement boundary. This will be subject to further public consultation at Deposit LDP stage.