
Yn dangos sylwadau a ffurflenni 1 i 1 o 1


Strategaeth a Ffefrir

ID sylw: 27651

Derbyniwyd: 29/08/2019

Ymatebydd: Welsh Government

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Council has undertaken a significant amount of work in respect of place making, delivery and infrastructure to inform the Preferred Strategy. This puts the LPA in a good position moving forward, namely:

Clear articulation and justification of the spatial distribution of housing supply and components of the housing provision (private and affordable)
Housing trajectory
Strategic sites and delivery infrastructure assessment - including constraints, site requirements and masterplan concept frameworks
Initial affordable housing viability paper
Education and transport assessments and requirements

Testun llawn:

See attached document.


Ein hymateb:

Noted. All necessary site viability, delivery and trajectory work will be prepared to inform the Deposit Plan.