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Candidate Site Register

68 Peulwys Farm, Peulwys Lane, Old Colwyn (site 2)

Representation ID: 27876

Received: 19/09/2019

Respondent: Aberconwy and Clwyd West Labour Party

Representation Summary:

The development of this site would have a major detrimental impact on the landscape amentities and quality of life of existing residents of Old Colwyn by virtue of:
* extending development into open countryside
* loss of good quality agricultural land
* visual intrusion due to the prominent and exposed nature of the site
* impact on local infrastructure
* detrimental effect on the local highway network including Llanelian Road and in particular the roundabout junction with Abergele Rd
* impact on local schools which are already beyond capacity
* impact on other local services such as doctor's surgeries

Change suggested by respondent:

Removal of this site from the final draft plan and proposal map

Full text:

The development of this site would have a major detrimental impact on the landscape amentities and quality of life of existing residents of Old Colwyn by virtue of:
* extending development into open countryside
* loss of good quality agricultural land
* visual intrusion due to the prominent and exposed nature of the site
* impact on local infrastructure
* detrimental effect on the local highway network including Llanelian Road and in particular the roundabout junction with Abergele Rd
* impact on local schools which are already beyond capacity
* impact on other local services such as doctor's surgeries

Our response:

Noted. The issues of concern such as impact on highways, schools, health services, open space, countryside, habitats, drainage & sewerage, agricultural land will be addressed as part of the LDP planning process with the necessary investigations taking place prior to LDP allocation / at pre-application stage as appropriate.


Candidate Site Register

66 Peulwys Farm, Peulwys Lane, Old Colwyn

Representation ID: 27877

Received: 19/09/2019

Respondent: Aberconwy and Clwyd West Labour Party

Representation Summary:

The inclusion of this site would have a detrimental impact on the landscape amentites and well being of local residents by vitue of:
* extending development into open countryside
* loss of good quality agricultural land
* visual intrusion due to the prominent and exposed nature of the site
* impact on local infrastructure
* detrimental effect on the local highway network including Llanelian Road and in particular the roundabout junction with Abergele Road
* impact on local schools which are already at or beyond capacity
* impact on other vital local services such as doctor's surgeries

Change suggested by respondent:

Removal of the site from the draft plan and proposals map

Full text:

The inclusion of this site would have a detrimental impact on the landscape amentites and well being of local residents by vitue of:
* extending development into open countryside
* loss of good quality agricultural land
* visual intrusion due to the prominent and exposed nature of the site
* impact on local infrastructure
* detrimental effect on the local highway network including Llanelian Road and in particular the roundabout junction with Abergele Road
* impact on local schools which are already at or beyond capacity
* impact on other vital local services such as doctor's surgeries

Our response:

Noted. The issues of concern such as impact on highways, schools, health services, open space, countryside, habitats, drainage & sewerage, agricultural land will be addressed as part of the LDP planning process with the necessary investigations taking place prior to LDP allocation / at pre-application stage as appropriate.

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