Preferred Strategy

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Preferred Strategy


Representation ID: 27564

Received: 02/09/2019

Respondent: Gwynedd Archaeological PLanning Service

Representation Summary:

Archwilio must not be used for development management. The appropriate resources (maintained by Welsh Government) for information about statutory sites are: Historic Wales; Cof Cymru; and the Lle Geo-Portal. For non-designated sites, the statutory Historic Environment Records of Gwynedd Archaeological Trust and Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust are the correct source.

Full text:

Archwilio must not be used for development management. The appropriate resources (maintained by Welsh Government) for information about statutory sites are: Historic Wales; Cof Cymru; and the Lle Geo-Portal. For non-designated sites, the statutory Historic Environment Records of Gwynedd Archaeological Trust and Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust are the correct source.

Our response:

Accepted - will change accordingly.


Preferred Strategy


Representation ID: 27565

Received: 02/09/2019

Respondent: Gwynedd Archaeological PLanning Service

Representation Summary:

This section concentrates on designated sites which are already protected by law. The contribution to place, education and culture made by undesignated archaeology (much of which is buried with no direct economic value) should be acknowledged in the text with a commitment to have due regard to this resource in decision making.

Full text:

This section concentrates on designated sites which are already protected by law. The contribution to place, education and culture made by undesignated archaeology (much of which is buried with no direct economic value) should be acknowledged in the text with a commitment to have due regard to this resource in decision making.

Our response:

Accepted will include this new paragraph in the Deposit plan


Preferred Strategy


Representation ID: 27566

Received: 02/09/2019

Respondent: Gwynedd Archaeological PLanning Service

Representation Summary:

Suggest including the historic environment among the topics to be considered in development briefs as the identified sites may have archaeological and/or setting constraints that may have a bearing on development proposals, and may be challenged by prospective developers if not flagged as a possible issue at strategic level.

Full text:

Suggest including the historic environment among the topics to be considered in development briefs as the identified sites may have archaeological and/or setting constraints that may have a bearing on development proposals, and may be challenged by prospective developers if not flagged as a possible issue at strategic level.

Our response:


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