Preferred Strategy

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Preferred Strategy

Strategic Policy SP/2: Levels of Housing Growth

Representation ID: 27907

Received: 17/09/2019

Respondent: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Representation Summary:

We note that the proposed level of growth makes provision for land to accommodate 5,150 new homes to meet a housing requirement of 4,300. Welsh Water has no real preference regarding the options being considered.

We aim to ensure that sufficient infrastructure exists to accommodate domestic development, however where deficiencies are identified we look to resolve these through capital investment in our Asset Management Plans (AMP).

Developers can progress a site in advance of any regulatory investment by funding improvements to provide the necessary infrastructure themselves.

Full text:

See attached document.


Our response:



Preferred Strategy

Strategic Policy SP/4: Growth Distribution and Hierarchy of Settlements

Representation ID: 27908

Received: 17/09/2019

Respondent: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Representation Summary:

Not every settlement in the County is served by its own WwTW as the catchment area of some WwTWs cover numerous settlements.

We will need to await further information regarding the breakdown of allocated growth between settlements to allow us to make an assessment of the potential impact upon our assets. Where the total growth proposed exceeds the theoretical design capacity of our WwTWs then improvements to provide further capacity will be required during the LDP period.

Full text:

See attached document.


Our response:



Preferred Strategy

Strategic Policy SP/11: Strategic Sites

Representation ID: 27909

Received: 17/09/2019

Respondent: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Representation Summary:

We have provided details of the requirements for each of the strategic sites in respect of water supply, hydraulic modelling assessment, easements and waste water treatments works.

Full text:

See attached document.


Our response:



Preferred Strategy

Strategic Policy SP/12: Infrastructure and New Development

Representation ID: 27910

Received: 17/09/2019

Respondent: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Representation Summary:

We welcome the inclusion of a strategic policy relating to Infrastructure and New Development. In areas where additional capacity is required in our infrastructure to accommodate growth but where no capital investment is planned through our AMP programme, developers can progress improvements to provide the necessary infrastructure themselves, with the necessary funding secured either via the S106 planning obligation process or under the requisition provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991.

Full text:

See attached document.


Our response:



Preferred Strategy

Strategic Policy SP/25: Water, Air, Soundscape and Light

Representation ID: 27911

Received: 17/09/2019

Respondent: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Representation Summary:

We welcome that the policy recognises the importance of having adequate capacity within both the water supply and the sewerage/drainage infrastructure to accommodate proposed development sites.

Full text:

See attached document.


Our response:


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