Preferred Strategy
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Preferred Strategy
2.28 Deliverable and Sustainable Growth
Representation ID: 28206
Received: 20/09/2019
Respondent: Anwyl Construction Ltd
Agent: The Planning Consultancy
It is considered that the housing requirement should be increased so that there is a better alignment between housing provision and the Council's policy for employment growth.
Increased housing provision would assist with addressing the need for affordable housing.
See attached documents.
Not Accepted: The Preferred Strategy matches the amount of jobs growth to the number of new dwellings needed, taking into population projections and need for affordable housing. This equates to 4300 dwellings (excluding contingency) and 1800 new jobs as identified the Employment Land Review Background Paper.
Preferred Strategy
Representation ID: 28207
Received: 20/09/2019
Respondent: Anwyl Construction Ltd
Agent: The Planning Consultancy
The Plan should not introduce a policy that might look to unnecessarily restrict the discretion of housebuilders in building houses in response to their assessment of market demand.
See attached documents.
Accepted in part: Subject to PPW paragraph 4.2.5 and the LHMA.