39 Land adjacent to Bryn Lupus Road, Llanrhos, Llandudno (Option 1)

Showing comments and forms 1 to 7 of 7


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27436

Received: 12/08/2019

Respondent: Mr Michael Bailey

Representation Summary:

Objection to the scale and repercussions of the proposed plan

Change suggested by respondent:

Ideally, this field should not form part of the scheme. If however it must be included, then the extent of the developments should just run alongside Bryn Lupus Rd and should not extend far (maybe 30 metres?)up the field , and no further towards the Vardre. The development should also cease at least 50metres from Maes Y Castell. There should not be any public access to the remaining portion of the field, to avoid anti social behaviour at the rear of Maes Y Castell- but how could this be prevented??

Full text:

Field is part of the green belt and has significant importance re nature and birds(92 species).There is already significant flooding in the whole area inc Maes Y Castell, due to water flowing off the Vardre, these developments will surely worsen the water problem.There will be clear traffic issues along Bryn Lupus Rd when the proposed new access road-or school- is built.All large scale development on this field will severely impact on residents of Maes Y Castell,with concerns of anti social behaviour in this quiet area due to the siting of the various recreation areas (who will maintain/police these areas?)all of which abut the Vardre, which is a cultural heritage site.There are no benefits for existing residents.from this huge scheme,which will put great strain on the local infrastructure , and completely change Llanrhos.

Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27515

Received: 26/08/2019

Respondent: Ms Jeanne MACINNES

Representation Summary:

Any plan to build Deganwy's primary school here in rural area of Llanrhos goes against your stated objectives of:
1 minimise need to travel and dependency on car
2 reduce overall levels of pollution
3 distinctive and special characteristics are protected and enhanced
4 appropriate ... right location
5 appropriate soundscapes.
This scandalous proposal will increase traffic multi fold and totally alter a beautiful rural aspect, fast disappearing from Llandudno. It would be the thin end of a wedge to develop even further until the whole of Llandudno, if not the whole coast, is just one huge conurbation.

Change suggested by respondent:

Put Deganwy primary school nearer to Deganwy residents! You have a few sites in the list to consider.
No developments at Llanrhos before you ensure we all have access to mobile phone signals.

Full text:

Any plan to build Deganwy's primary school here in rural area of Llanrhos goes against your stated objectives of:
1 minimise need to travel and dependency on car
2 reduce overall levels of pollution
3 distinctive and special characteristics are protected and enhanced
4 appropriate ... right location
5 appropriate soundscapes.
This scandalous proposal will increase traffic multi fold and totally alter a beautiful rural aspect, fast disappearing from Llandudno. It would be the thin end of a wedge to develop even further until the whole of Llandudno, if not the whole coast, is just one huge conurbation.


Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27520

Received: 29/08/2019

Respondent: Mrs Tracey Warburton

Representation Summary:

Over recent years the traffic has increased on Bryn Lupus Road,it is already a very busy road and has increased traffic during term times, as it is used as a route for school buses,to build a school on this site would only increase the volume of traffic causing problems with highway safety and noise disturbance resulting on a negative impact for local residents and development would spoil the character of the village.
Also when there is heavy rainfall water runs off the Vardre and floods the field and runs down Bryn Lupus Road.

Change suggested by respondent:

I can't see any changes that would make the development of this site positive

Full text:

Over recent years the traffic has increased on Bryn Lupus Road,it is already a very busy road and has increased traffic during term times, as it is used as a route for school buses,to build a school on this site would only increase the volume of traffic causing problems with highway safety and noise disturbance resulting on a negative impact for local residents and development would spoil the character of the village.
Also when there is heavy rainfall water runs off the Vardre and floods the field and runs down Bryn Lupus Road.

Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27576

Received: 30/08/2019

Respondent: Ms Deborah Haynes

Representation Summary:

Concerned on the possible impact of the plan for Llanrhos regarding the impact on the population and with e.g. infrastructure. Evident that already are problems in the area with e.g. flooding when the rain water comes down from the Vadre/Deganwy Castell areas.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site 39 from the RLDP.

Full text:

See scanned document.


Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27577

Received: 30/08/2019

Respondent: Ms Maureen P Barrie

Representation Summary:

Concerned with regard to destruction of natural habitat of wildlife/bird life primarily in the filed bordered by Bryn Lupus Road. Flooding issues in same location.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site 39 from the RLDP.

Full text:

See scanned document.


Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP. Ecological networks will be expected to be retained and enhanced as part of any new development.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27578

Received: 28/08/2019

Respondent: Mrs P Hill

Representation Summary:

Llanrhos is predominately made up of retired people. If this planning horror goes through - the demographics will be changed completely and certainly not for the better either. We, together with so many others, bought properties here for a peaceful time spent in enjoying a well-deserved quality of retirement. The planning committee members would be well aware of these criteria - and have chosen to ignore facts.
Horrendously increased traffic numbers - all along an already bury "rat run" of a road.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site 39 from the RLDP.

Full text:

See scanned document.


Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP. Local age demographics could be improved through new development.


Candidate Site Register

Representation ID: 27583

Received: 28/08/2019

Respondent: Mr B Hill

Representation Summary:

This amount of development will increase air pollution which will cause deterioration in air quality and traffic noise.
Not only will the residences of this new development cause an increase in traffic this will also cause an increase in delivery traffic, public transport increases and construction traffic and noise.
Looking at the presentation I noticed no mention of a doctor's surgery or dentist.
Before embarking on large developments within the county the infrastructure needs to be addressed for the wellbeing and safety of the existing residents and visitors.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site 39 from the RLDP.

Full text:

See scanned document.


Our response:

Service providers and Highways will be consulted and the site assessed for suitability of inclusion in the Deposit LDP.